Ciro Santilli  Sponsor 中国独裁统治 China Dictatorship 新疆改造中心、六四事件、法轮功、郝海东、709大抓捕、2015巴拿马文件 邓家贵、低端人口、西藏骚乱


words: 315 articles: 13
There are two ways:
Likely implies whole brain emulation and therefore AGI.
Wikipedia defines Mind uploading as a synonym for whole brain emulation. This sounds really weird, as "mind uploading" suggests much more simply brain dumping, or perhaps reuploading a brain dump to a brain.
Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom (2014) section "Whole brain emulation" provides a reasonable setup: post mortem, take a brain, freeze it, then cut it into fine slices with a Microtome, and then inspect slices with an electron microscope after some kind of staining to determine all the synapses.
Likely implies AGI.

Personal knowledge base (PKB)

words: 219 articles: 10

Personal knowledge base software

words: 60 articles: 2
Project Xanadu
words: 60
Crazy overlaps with Ciro Santilli's OurBigBook Project, Wikipedia states:
Administrators of Project Xanadu have declared it superior to the World Wide Web, with the mission statement: "Today's popular software simulates paper. The World Wide Web (another imitation of paper) trivialises our original hypertext model with one-way ever-breaking links and no management of version or contents.
Video 1.
New Game in Town by TheTedNelson (2016)
. Source.

Second brain

words: 118 articles: 1
In the 2020's, this refers to writing down everything you know, usually in some graph structured way.
This is somewhat the centerpiece of Ciro Santilli's documentation superpowers: dumping your brain into text form, which he has been doing through Ciro Santilli's website.
This is also the closest one can get to immortality pre full blown transhumanism.
Ciro's still looking for the restore this plaintext backup on a new body though.
It is a good question, how much of your knowledge you would be able to give to others with text and images. It is likely almost all of it, except for coordination/signal processing tasks.
His passion for braindumping like this is a big motivation behind Ciro Santilli's work.
words: 6
Cute synonym for second brain, sample usage:


words: 28 mentions one page to rule them all:
How many Zettelkästen should I have? The answer is, most likely, only one for the duration of your life. But there are exceptions to this rule.

Digital garden

words: 13
Yet another name for a personal knowledge base, some usages:
Lists of digital gardens:

Brain cell type

articles: 1

Brain simulation

words: 79 articles: 2
Ciro Santilli invented this term, derived from "hardware in the loop" to refer to simulations in which both the brain and the body and physical world of organism models are modelled.
E.g. just imagine running:
Ciro Santilli invented this term, it refers to mechanisms in which you put an animal in a virtual world that the animal can control, and where you can measure the animal's outputs.


words: 212 articles: 4
A Drosophila melanogaster has about 135k neurons, and we only managed to reconstruct its connectome in 2023.
The human brain has 86 billion neurons, about 1 million times more. Therefore, it is obvious that we are very very far away from a full connectome.
Instead however, we could look at larger scales of connectome, and then try from that to extract modules, and then reverse engineer things module by module.
This is likely how we are going to "understand how the human brain works".
Some notable conectomes:
This is the most plausible way of obtaining a full connectome looking from 2020 forward. Then you'd observe the slices with an electron microscope + appropriate Staining. Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom (2014) really opened Ciro Santilli's eyes to this possibility.
Once this is done for a human, it will be one of the greatest milestone of humanities, coparable perhaps to the Human Genome Project. BUt of course, privacy issues are incrediby pressing in this case, even more than in the human genome project, as we would essentially be able to read the brain of the person after their death.
As of 2022, the Drosophila connectome had been almost fully extracted.
This is also a possible path towards post-mortem brain reading.
Figure 1. Source. Unconfirmed, but looks like the type of frozen brain where a Microtome would be used.


words: 5
Ciro Santilli's dreams are described at: Ciro Santilli's dreams.


words: 489 articles: 9
This is not a label that Ciro Santilli likes to give lightly. But maybe sometimes, it is inevitable.

Child prodigy

words: 472 articles: 8
His father fought a lot with the stupid educational system to try and move his son to his full potential and move to more advanced subjects early.
A crime of society to try and prevent it. They actually moved the family from Singapore to Malaysia for a learning opportunity for the son. Amazing.
This is the perfect illustration of one of Ciro Santilli's most important complaints about the 2020 educational system:
and why Ciro created to try and help fix the issue.
Possible social media
Video 2.
The Most Talented Children And Adults On The Planet by Our Life (2008)
. Source. Has some good mentions of Ainan and others.
Video 3.
Ainan Cawley: Child prodigy (2013)
. Source.
He's an actor and producer apparently:
Figure 2. Source.
Article likely written by him:
“Especially my father. He was doing most of it and he is a savoury, strong character. He has strong beliefs about the world and in himself, and he was helping me a lot, even when I was at university as an undergraduate.”
An only child, Arran was born in 1995 in Glasgow, where his parents were studying at the time. His father has Spanish lineage, having a great grandfather who was a sailor who moved from Spain to St Vincent in the Carribean. A son later left the islands for the UK where he married an English woman. Arran’s mother is Norwegian.
“My father was writing and my mother is an economist. They both worked from home which also made things easier,” Arran says.
A bit like what Ciro Santilli feels about himself!
One of the articles says his father has a PhD. TODO where did he work? What's his PhD on? Photo:
Neil, a political economist, attended state and private schools in Hampshire but was also taught for a period at home by his mother.
It’s strange because for most people maths is a real turn-off, yet maths is all about patterns and children of two or three love patterns. It just shows that schools are doing something seriously wrong.”
When Lawrence was five, her father gave up his job so that he could educate her at home.
At Oxford, her father continued to be actively involved in her education, accompanying her to all lectures and some tutorials. Lawrence completed her bachelor's degree in two years, instead of the normal three, and graduated in 1985 at the age of 13 with a starred first and special commendation.
he had tried it once before - with an older daughter, Sarah, one of three children he had by a previous marriage.
That experiment ended after he separated from Sarah's increasingly concerned mother, Jutta. He soon found a woman more in tune with his radical ideas in his next spouse, Sylvia Greybourne
Figure 3. Source.
TODO can't find any details about his early days? Sad:

Brain by species

words: 375 articles: 20

Drosophila brain

words: 103 articles: 3
2023 full connectome published on Science by Marta Zlatic's lab at the MRC:
As of 2022, it had been almost fully decoded by post mortem connectome extraction with microtome!!! 135k neurons.
That article mentions the humongous paper "A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection" by a group from Janelia Research Campus. THe paper is so large that it makes eLife hang.
words: 29
The Neurokernel Project aims to build an open software platform for the emulation of the entire brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).

Mouse brain (Mus musculus)

words: 42 articles: 3
Video 4.
A Simulated Mouse Brain in a Virtual Mouse Body by Human Brain Project (2015)
. Source. Nice brain-in-the-loop.

Allen Mouse Brain

words: 17 articles: 2
Grouping their mouse brain projcts here.
Video 5.
Tutorial: Allen Developing Mouse Brain by Allen Institute (2014)
. Source.
CCFv3 (2023)
words: 4
Figure 4.
CCFv3 announcement image
. Source.

Human brain

words: 230 articles: 11
The brain of a human.
Ah, the Holy Grail of both biology and computer science!
Ciro Santilli feels it is not for his generation though, and that is one of the philosophical things that saddens him the most in this world.
On the other hand, Ciro's playing with the Linux kernel and other complex software which no single human can every fully understand cheer him up a bit. But still, the high level view, that we can have...
For now, Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games.
Figure 5. Source.
  • 1: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu frontale
  • 2: Ventriculus lateralis, Pars centralis
  • 3: Calcar avis
  • 4: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu occipitale
  • 5: Trigonum collaterale
  • 6: Eminentia collateralis
  • 7: Hippocampus
  • 8: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu temporale
  • 9: Capsula interna
  • 10: Nucleus caudatus

Human brain connectome

words: 48 articles: 4
By cranks:
Brodmann area
words: 7
Figure 6.
External 3D view of the Brodmann areas
. Source.

Human brain research project

words: 63 articles: 3 omg some amazing things there.
Almost since it began, however, the HBP has drawn criticism. The project did not achieve its goal of simulating the whole human brain — an aim that many scientists regarded as far-fetched in the first place. It changed direction several times, and its scientific output became “fragmented and mosaic-like”, says HBP member Yves Frégnac
They overreached it seems.


words: 1k articles: 100


articles: 1


words: 55 articles: 1

Nuclear blues

words: 55
Term invented by Ciro Santilli, it refers to Richard Feynman, after helping to build the atomic bomb:
And I would go along and I would see people building a bridge, or they'd be making a new road, and I thought, they're crazy, they just don't understand, they don't understand. Why are they making new things? It's so useless.


articles: 1


words: 817 articles: 68
This section is present in another page, follow this link to view it.


articles: 1

Mind blown

words: 34 articles: 1
A brain orgasm.
Video 6.
The Universe I, II & III | Tim and Eric Awesome Show by Adult Swim UK (2017)
. Source. This amazing video contains the best mind blown meme ever, Ciro Santilli almost shat himself when he first watched it.


articles: 4

Personality type

articles: 2


words: 2 articles: 1
Ciro Santilli's eulogy: effortless effort


articles: 2
Figure 7. Source.
Figure 8. Source.


words: 11 articles: 7

Animal intelligence

words: 11 articles: 3

Animal intelligence by species

words: 11 articles: 2
Crow intelligence
words: 11 articles: 1
Video 7.
Causal understanding of water displacement by a crow by PLOS Media (2014)
. Source.
Figure 9. Source.

Brain biliography

articles: 1


  1. Organ
  2. Level of organization of bodies
  3. Biology
  4. Natural science
  5. Science
  6. Ciro Santilli's Homepage