ID photo of Ciro Santilli taken in 2013 right eyeCiro Santilli OurBigBook  Sponsor 中国独裁统治 China Dictatorship 新疆改造中心、六四事件、法轮功、郝海东、709大抓捕、2015巴拿马文件 邓家贵、低端人口、西藏骚乱
Split in the spectral line when a magnetic field is applied.
Non-anomalous: number of splits matches predictions of the Schrödinger equation about the number of possible states with a given angular momentum. TODO does it make numerical predictions?
Anomalous: evidence of spin. contains the hello world that everyone should know: 2p splits into 3 energy levels, so you see 3 spectral lines from 1s to 2p rather than just one.
p splits into 3, d into 5, f into 7 and so on, i.e. one for each possible azimuthal quantum number.
It also mentions that polarization effects become visible from this: each line is polarized in a different way. TODO more details as in an experiment to observe this.
Well explained at: Video 19. "Quantum Mechanics 7a - Angular Momentum I by ViaScience (2013)".
Video 1.
Experimental physics - IV: 22 - Zeeman effect by Lehrportal Uni Gottingen (2020)
This one is decent. Uses a cadmium lamp and an etalon on an optical table. They see a more or less clear 3-split in a circular interference pattern,
They filter out all but the transition of interest.
Video 2.
Zeeman Effect - Control light with magnetic fields by Applied Science (2018)
Source. Does not appear to achieve a crystal clear split unfortunately.

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  1. Spectral line
  2. Emission spectrum
  3. Quantum mechanics experiment
  4. Quantum mechanics
  5. Particle physics
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