This is the first of many love declarations and mentions EMBII makes of his partner Chiharu! This came just one day afte the very first uploads of the system.
Message:Note that she's Japanese and not really bond, it's hair dye.
My Dearest Chiharu....I Love you more. <3 Eric
My Dearest Chiharu, I will love you forever. Taken Aug 6th 2014 in Ipswich, SD.
Associated messages:EMBII's daughter, Maddy Bobby, (presumably not with Chiharu) is going off to college! Sadface.
A #father could not ask for more perfect daughters. I #Love you both so much!! <3 PaMy oldest daugher moves into the dorms tomorrow morning. Dear Mady, You are forever my baby. <3 Pa
Chiharu EMBII and The Atom Sea say Happy Halloween.jpg
Message:so their location was:,_North_Dakota
#Chiharu #embii & the #AtomSea #Fargo #ND
Messages:and:TODO actual Italy? Or some place named Italy in the US? One of the photos is from the First Lutheran church in Fargo, Nort Dacota.
mini camera test #Wilson #Chiharu #embii #Broadway #Fargo #ND
"Trip to Italy" Mini Digital Camera N. Broadway, Fargo, ND 49°F
"Loraine" on tx b4b8fe752a258f95b191b8c5426319ee0e8d41d5db53ea2ae18beed141cbb9bd, block 448352 (2017-01-15).
Photographer unknown, but presumably EMBII's father or another close family member.
Message:EMBII's mum died :-(
In loving memory of Loraine Elizabeth White
Cost: ~0.001 BTC ~ $0.80 at the time.
This one gives Chiharu's full identity with picture basically. Message:so presumably Chiharu's full name is Chiharu Sato.
The Sato Family Arrives from Japan! Taken Aug 2. 2014 in Minneapolis MN. (Keiko, Chiharu, Hideaki, Katsuhiko) Now preparing for the Sato / Bobby Great American Vacation!!
More from their vacation:
More EMBII social media:
- "Found on Mady's camera", EMBII wearing a funny red suit and drinking orange juice