Ciro Santilli $£ Sponsor €¥ 中国独裁统治 China Dictatorship 新疆改造中心、六四事件、法轮功、郝海东、709大抓捕、2015巴拿马文件 邓家贵、低端人口、西藏骚乱
This example contains a deterministic demo of when postgreSQL serialization failures may happen.
Tested on PostgreSQL 13.5.
#!/usr/bin/env node


const assert = require('assert');
const common = require('../common');

// CLI arguments.
let isolation;
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
  isolation = process.argv[3]
} else {
  isolation = `SERIALIZABLE`

async function assertRaises(cb) {
  let hadException = false
  try {
    await cb()
  } catch (e) {
    hadException = true

const sequelizes = common.sequelizes(2, __filename, process.argv[2])
const sequelize0 = sequelizes[0]
const sequelize1 = sequelizes[1]
let rows, meta
;(async () => {
await common.drop(sequelize0, 'MyInt')
await sequelize0.query(`CREATE TABLE "MyInt" ( i INTEGER NOT NULL )`)
async function reset() {
  await sequelize0.query(`TRUNCATE "MyInt"`)
  await sequelize0.query(`INSERT INTO "MyInt" VALUES (0)`)
await reset()

// 0 updates, 1 updates, 0 commits
// error: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
await sequelize0.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize1.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize0.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 1`)
// Waits for 0 to COMMIT, so we need async here to defer execution,
// otherwise would block the script forever.
;(async () => {
  await assertRaises(async () => sequelize1.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 2`))
await sequelize0.query(`COMMIT`)
await sequelize1.query(`COMMIT`)
;[rows, meta] = await sequelize0.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt"`)
assert.strictEqual(rows[0].i, 1)
await reset()

// 0 updates, 0 commits, 1 updates, 1 commits
// No error.
await sequelize0.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize1.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize0.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 1`)
await sequelize0.query(`COMMIT`)
await sequelize1.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 2`)
await sequelize1.query(`COMMIT`)
;[rows, meta] = await sequelize0.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt"`)
assert.strictEqual(rows[0].i, 2)
await reset()

// 0 updates, 1 selects, 0 commits, 1 updates, 1 commits
// error: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
// Note how adding the SELECT makes it raise, that is the only difference from the previous example!
await sequelize0.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize1.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize0.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 1`)
await sequelize1.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt"`)
await sequelize0.query(`COMMIT`)
await assertRaises(async () => await sequelize1.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 2`))
await sequelize1.query(`COMMIT`)
;[rows, meta] = await sequelize0.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt"`)
assert.strictEqual(rows[0].i, 1)
await reset()

// Now we work with two rows.
// REPEATABLE READ: no error
// SERIALIZABLE: error: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions
await sequelize0.query(`INSERT INTO "MyInt" VALUES (10)`)
await sequelize0.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize1.query(`BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${isolation}`)
await sequelize0.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 1 WHERE i = 0`)
await sequelize1.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt"`)
await sequelize0.query(`COMMIT`)
if (isolation === 'SERIALIZABLE') {
  await assertRaises(async () => await sequelize1.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 11 WHERE i = 10`))
} else {
  await sequelize1.query(`UPDATE "MyInt" SET i = 11 WHERE i = 10`)
await sequelize1.query(`COMMIT`)
;[rows, meta] = await sequelize0.query(`SELECT * FROM "MyInt" ORDER BY i ASC`)
assert.strictEqual(rows[0].i, 1)
if (isolation === 'SERIALIZABLE') {
  assert.strictEqual(rows[1].i, 10)
} else {
  assert.strictEqual(rows[1].i, 11)
await reset()

})().finally(() => {
  return Promise.all( => s.close()))


  1. SQL parallel update example
  2. SQL isolation level example
  3. SQL transaction isolation level
  4. SQL transaction
  5. SQL feature
  6. SQL
  7. Relational database management system
  8. Relational database
  9. Database
  10. Software
  11. Computer
  12. Information technology
  13. Area of technology
  14. Technology
  15. Ciro Santilli's Homepage