Other Bitcon analysis:
Analyses in other blockchains:
- Ethereum
- reidjs.medium.com/top-6-weird-innovative-and-hilarious-findings-in-the-ethereum-blockchain-83dbbca461ca Top 6 Weird, Innovative, and Hilarious findings in the Ethereum Blockchain by Reid Sherman (2018)
- "Annotated blockchain project"Does the same as this page, just that it is an uncomprehensible mess of broken links. But they have soe good ideas!
- etherpad.mit.edu/p/r.e33d2e7230fafc0612a0f2e7ebc87bae
- etherpad.mit.edu/p/r.19b7b3e2c5ea08a61cb0bef0aeb213fd image list (February 8, 2017) We tried going over it, but it is just too much work, the huge majority of the results are just AtomSea & EMBII so not that interesting.
- archive.ph/Zz7m5
- www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5wax5v/a_group_is_working_on_building_a_fully_annotated/
- archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/111742853/
Their main techniques seem to be:and:mkdir binout for file in blk*dat; do echo "$file"; binwalk --dd='.*' "$file" -C binout/. --log=binout/"$file""res.txt"; done
which seem promising.mkdir subfileout for file in blk*dat; do mkdir subfileout/"$file"; done for file in blk*dat; do echo "$file"; hachoir-subfile --category=image,video,audio,container,archive,misc "$file" subfileout/"$file" > subfileout/"$file""subfile.txt"; done
These are installable on Ubuntu 23.10 with:sudo apt install binwalk hachoir
TODO how to they automatically map back to transaction IDs? There is a line "Script to add the TX ID to each file." Our attempts: Section "Get transaction id from position in dat file"