14.1.3. Xi Jinping memes (习近平模因)
Other images:
2022 https://twitter.com/Stalingrad_Poor/status/1493620788703862784/photo/1 good template with Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), Putin (Путин, 普京, 1999-2008, 2012-∞) and Kim Jong-un smkirking on the phone from when Trudeau has smashing down on anti vaccince protests
2021 https://twitter.com/1X1G3Lr7pBe1AJR/status/1438984816267915265/photo/1 with phone reserved photoshop
Figure 157. Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) photoshopped as The Joker (小丑). Would have been perfect with 2020-09-22 Ren Zhiqiang - who called Chinese president a 'clown' - jailed for 18 years, see also: Democracies have less corruption than dictatorships (民主国家的腐败比独裁国家少). Source.
Figure 158. Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), Jiang Zemin (江泽民, 1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (胡锦涛, 2002-2012) photoshopped on top of a clothing advertisement (TODO original). The text reads: "江胡险恶 习以为常". TODO understand. 江胡 are the surnames of Jiang Zemin (江泽民, 1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (胡锦涛, 2002-2012). 习 is the surname of; Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!). "习以为常" is a fixed expression that means "to get accustomed to". Also asked at: https://www.mohu.rocks/question/573 on Mohu (膜乎), and explained at: https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2003/12/03/56236.html from Falun Gong media (法轮功媒体). Source
Figure 159. Meme impliying that Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!)'s 2021 tech crackdown was much mroe destructive to the Chinese economy than contemporary economic sanctions imposed by United States president Biden. English source, Chinese source, meme template by Joan Cornella.
Figure 160. That’s what she said Xi Jinping meme, is a pun on words between Xi and She.
Figure 161. Xi waiting for outgoing chief executive CY Leung, "president" of Hong Kong between 2012 and 2017, at a hotel, in 2017. The image was immediately likened to supervillain or criminal boss movies and use by Hong Kong (香港) protesters, e.g. https://twitter.com/DavidJWat/status/880333206473420800 likens it to a Jams Bond villain. https://qz.com/1018919/hong-kong-handover-memes-making-fun-of-chinese-president-xi-jinping-and-his-wife-cy-leung-and-others
Other images:
2022 https://twitter.com/Stalingrad_Poor/status/1493620788703862784/photo/1 good template with Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), Putin (Путин, 普京, 1999-2008, 2012-∞) and Kim Jong-un smkirking on the phone from when Trudeau has smashing down on anti vaccince protests
2021 https://twitter.com/1X1G3Lr7pBe1AJR/status/1438984816267915265/photo/1 with phone reserved photoshop

Figure 157. Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) photoshopped as The Joker (小丑). Would have been perfect with 2020-09-22 Ren Zhiqiang - who called Chinese president a 'clown' - jailed for 18 years, see also: Democracies have less corruption than dictatorships (民主国家的腐败比独裁国家少). Source.

Figure 158. Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), Jiang Zemin (江泽民, 1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (胡锦涛, 2002-2012) photoshopped on top of a clothing advertisement (TODO original). The text reads: "江胡险恶 习以为常". TODO understand. 江胡 are the surnames of Jiang Zemin (江泽民, 1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (胡锦涛, 2002-2012). 习 is the surname of; Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!). "习以为常" is a fixed expression that means "to get accustomed to". Also asked at: https://www.mohu.rocks/question/573 on Mohu (膜乎), and explained at: https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2003/12/03/56236.html from Falun Gong media (法轮功媒体). Source

Figure 159. Meme impliying that Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!)'s 2021 tech crackdown was much mroe destructive to the Chinese economy than contemporary economic sanctions imposed by United States president Biden. English source, Chinese source, meme template by Joan Cornella.

Figure 160. That’s what she said Xi Jinping meme, is a pun on words between Xi and She.

Figure 161. Xi waiting for outgoing chief executive CY Leung, "president" of Hong Kong between 2012 and 2017, at a hotel, in 2017. The image was immediately likened to supervillain or criminal boss movies and use by Hong Kong (香港) protesters, e.g. https://twitter.com/DavidJWat/status/880333206473420800 likens it to a Jams Bond villain. https://qz.com/1018919/hong-kong-handover-memes-making-fun-of-chinese-president-xi-jinping-and-his-wife-cy-leung-and-others