28.3.1. Mohu (膜乎)
Website openly anti-CCP, e.g. the signup page has Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) jokes. Very similar appearance to Pincong (品葱, uncensored forum), likely same engine. https://pincong.rocks/question/24489 asks what is their relationship "请问一下品葱和膜乎之间是什么关系?"
Backlinks to this page:
2020-06-03 https://www.mohu.rocks/article/2227 (archive) "专门开一个帖子,以后会把从各处搜刮来的六四学潮的视频、历史、文章之类放在这" (I’m creating this post to collect all the videos, history, articles, etc. that can be found anywhere about the Tiananmen Square protests)
Then one of the replies by "习羊羊与灰战狼" was "https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship "提供一个很全的链接,几乎可以算是反共手册。里面的4.7是谈六四的" (Here is one very complete link, it could almost be considered an anti-CCP manual. Section 4.7 of that page is about Tiananmen.) Ciro liked the sound of that very much :-) TODO this also appears on something related to Terminus2049 (端点星计划, 2049bbs): https://2047.name/e/76182458
Website openly anti-CCP, e.g. the signup page has Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) jokes. Very similar appearance to Pincong (品葱, uncensored forum), likely same engine. https://pincong.rocks/question/24489 asks what is their relationship "请问一下品葱和膜乎之间是什么关系?"
Backlinks to this page:
2020-06-03 https://www.mohu.rocks/article/2227 (archive) "专门开一个帖子,以后会把从各处搜刮来的六四学潮的视频、历史、文章之类放在这" (I’m creating this post to collect all the videos, history, articles, etc. that can be found anywhere about the Tiananmen Square protests)
Then one of the replies by "习羊羊与灰战狼" was "https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship "提供一个很全的链接,几乎可以算是反共手册。里面的4.7是谈六四的" (Here is one very complete link, it could almost be considered an anti-CCP manual. Section 4.7 of that page is about Tiananmen.) Ciro liked the sound of that very much :-) TODO this also appears on something related to Terminus2049 (端点星计划, 2049bbs): https://2047.name/e/76182458