21.1.3. Scarfolk Council
Not about China specifically, but broadly anti-dictatorship, and so much of it applies perfectly!!! With that typical British humour touch of course.
We have to translate the following into Chinese and add to the relevant sections:
https://scarfolk.blogspot.com/2020/06/unknown-poster-campaign-1970s.html "Unknown Poster Campaign (1970s)", content "For more information please re-read"
https://scarfolk.blogspot.com/2018/01/loose-tongues-public-information-1977.html "Talking about the contents of this poster is illegal"
"Children: the cause of crime" spoof poster by Scarfolk Council (2017). Applies perfectly to Xinjiang (新疆) forced abortion accusations. The One-child policy (一孩政策, 1979–2015) also comes to mind. Source.
https://scarfolk.blogspot.com/2020/03/social-distancing-laws-1970.html "Illegal to gather in groups of one". This is a reference to Censorship of the 2019 Corona Virus (2019冠状病毒病早期迹象审查), but it also applies perfectly to the lack of freedom of assembly in China
https://www.italki.com/post/question-175686 丢面子和丢脸有什么大的区别吗? (What’s the difference between the two above.)