Anti-CCP content in the Bitcoin blockchain (在比特币区块链的反中共内容)

Blockchain technologies, such as Bitcoin, provide essentially uncensorable (at a transaction cost), because the messages are put together with financial transactions which are extremely valuable to its users.

Services that can be used to easily view this data online include:

We have been able to find the following anti-CCP information in the blockchain so far:

source of humanity and the mother of truth dp

+ TODO meaning of "dp". Part of a quote by Liu Xiaobo (刘晓波, 1955-2017, Tiananmen leader) which was delivered in his Nobel Prize speech in absentia: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2010/xiaobo/lecture/, fuller quote:


Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, and the mother of truth. To strangle freedom of speech is to trample on human rights, stifle humanity, and suppress truth.

But of course, there are crypto-Wumao (五毛)'s there too!!! The incongruence of a dictatorship and uncensorability is just mind blowing:

Neutral references:

  • blk01341.txt tx 3d2226aa2591acfb0d3c9206b9bb2058b0a488ad6d0e9c61e0c8f3c53d0d4b90 "EW Hello Xi Jingping" (mispelled). "EW" is a service identifier, not part of the message.

On the test blockchain (boring!):


Other blockchains: