Chernobyl 2019 miniseries (切尔诺贝利_(迷你剧))

  • link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_(miniseries)

  • link:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/切尔诺贝利_(迷你剧)

Suggests that part of the reason why Chernobyl happened is because of the Soviet Union’s obsession to save face, and illustrates well how Censorship makes countries poorer (审查使国家更穷).

The URSS only admitted Chernobyl three days after when Swedish nuclear plant radiation detector alarms started going off.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocBVLMHK6c8 Chernobyl supercut scene where the reactor explodes, and a chief engineer "Comrade Dyatlov" accepts a hastily made radiation measurement of 3.6 Roentgen as "Not great, not terrible" and forwards it to his superiors who take actions based on that, even though the radiation measurement apparatus only goes up to 3.6 Roentgen! Needless to say, the actual radiation was much, much higher: when a proper measurement was made much later on, the value was 15000 Roentgen!
3 6 Roentgen
Figure 6. Photo of a CDV-717 radioactivity meter that maxes out at 3.6 Roentgen (倫琴) like the one that would have been used in Chernobyl. Source.