= Particle physics
Currently an informal name for the <Standard Model>
Chronological outline of the key theories:
* <Maxwell's equations>
* <Schrödinger equation>
* Date: 1926
* Numerical predictions:
* <hydrogen spectral line>, excluding finer structure such as 2p up and down split:
* <Dirac equation>
* Date: 1928
* Numerical predictions:
* <hydrogen spectral line> including 2p split, but excluding even finer structure such as <Lamb shift>
* Qualitative predictions:
* Antimatter
* Spin as part of the equation
* <quantum electrodynamics>
* Date: 1947 onwards
* Numerical predictions:
* <Lamb shift>
* Qualitative predictions:
* Antimatter
* <spin (physics)> as part of the equation
= Applications of particle physics
{parent=Particle physics}
There aren't any, it's <art>[useless]:
* <applications of quantum electrodynamics>
= Experimental particle physics
{parent=Particle physics}
= Cross section
{parent=Experimental particle physics}
The <neutron temperature> example is crucial: you just can't give the cross section of a target alone, the <energy> of the incoming beam also matters.
= Barn
{parent=Cross section (physics)}
= Particle detector
{parent=Experimental particle physics}
= Cloud chamber
{parent=Particle detector}
{tag=1927 Nobel Prize in Physics}
{title=<Radium> 226 source in a cloud chamber}
{title=How to make a <cloud chamber> by <Suzie Sheehy> (2011)}
= Bubble chamber
{parent=Particle detector}
= Particle accelerator
{parent=Experimental particle physics}
= Particle accelerator facility
{parent=Particle accelerator}
{parent=Particle accelerator facility}
= CERN experiment
= Large Hadron Collider
{parent=CERN experiment}
= Superconducting Super Collider
{parent=Particle accelerator facility}
Good article:
= Synchrotron
{parent=Particle accelerator}
Most important application: produce <X-rays> for <X-ray crystallography>.
Note however that the big experiments at <CERN>, like the <Large Hadron Collider>, are also synchrotrons.
List of facilities:
= Cyclotron
Predecessor to the <synchrotron>.
= Landau quantization
= Landau level
{parent=Landau quantization}
= Nuclear physics
{parent=Particle physics}
Nuclear physics is basically just the study of the complex outcomes of <weak interaction> + <quantum chromodynamics>.
= History of nuclear physics
{parent=Nuclear physics}
{title=Atomic Physics - An Historical Approach}
{description=By the <#British Department of Energy>. Possibly:[] which dates it 1945 - 1947.}
= Nuclear binding energy
{parent=Nuclear physics}
= Semi-empirical mass formula
{parent=Nuclear binding energy}
= Atomic nucleus
{parent=Nuclear physics}
= Nucleus
= Nuclei
= Nucleon
{parent=Atomic nucleus}
A <proton> or a <neutron>.
= Nuclear force
{parent=Atomic nucleus}
Side effect of the <strong force> that in addition to binding individual <protons> and <neutrons> as units, also binds different protons and neutrons to one another.
= Nuclear reaction
{parent=Nuclear physics}
= Nuclear fission
{parent=Nuclear reaction}
= Fission
= Neutron temperature
{parent=Nuclear fission}
The speed of <neutrons> greatly influences how well they are absorbed by different <isotopes>.
= Fast neutron
{parent=Neutron temperature}
= Thermal neutron
{parent=Neutron temperature}
These are <neutrons> that have reached the thermal equilibrium according to the <Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution> after having bounced around many times without undergoing <neutron capture>.
Good <fissile material> is material that is able to absorb <thermal neutrons> and continue the reaction, because that's the type of neutron you end up getting the most of.
= Neutron moderation
{parent=Thermal neutron}
= Neutron moderator
= Slow neutron
{parent=Neutron temperature}
= Fissile material
{parent=Nuclear fission}
= Nuclear chain reaction
{parent=Nuclear fission}
= Nuclear reactor
{parent=Nuclear chain reaction}
Some of the most notable ones:
* 1942: <Chicago Pile-1>: the first human-made <nuclear chain reaction>.
* 1943: <X-10 Graphite Reactor>: an intermediate step between the <nuclear chain reaction> prototype <Chicago Pile-1> and the full blown mass production at <Hanford site>. Located in the <Oak Ridge National Laboratory>.
* 1944: <B Reactor> at the <Hanford Site> produced the <plutonium> used for <Trinity (nuclear-test)> and <Fat Man>
= Breeder reactor
{parent=Nuclear reactor}
A <nuclear reactor> made to produce specific <isotopes> rather than just consume <fissile material> to produce <#electrical power>. The most notably application being to produce <Plutonium-239> for <nuclear weapons> from <Uranium-238> being irradiated from <Uranium-235>-created <fission>.
= Neutron capture
{parent=Nuclear reaction}
= Neutron cross section
{parent=Neutron capture}
{title=<Uranium-235> <neutron cross section> as a function of neutron energy}
{title=<Neutron cross section> for various <uranium isotopes>}
{title=<Neutron cross section> of two isotopes of <Boron> as a function of <neutron> speed}
= Radioactive decay
{parent=Nuclear reaction}
= Radioactivity
= Radioactive
<Ciro Santilli> finds it interesting that radioactive decay basically kickstarted the domain of <nuclear physics> by essentially providing a natural <particle accelerator> from a chunk of radioactive element.
The discovery process was particularly interesting, including <Henri Becquerel>'s luck while observing <phosphorescence>, and <Marie Curie>'s observation that the <uranium> <ore> were more radioactive than pure uranium, and must therefore contain other even more radioactive substances, which lead to the discovery of <polonium> (<half-life> 138 days) and <radium> (half-life 1600 years).
= Type of radioactive decay
{parent=Radioactive decay}
= Alpha decay
{parent=Type of radioactive decay}
= Alpha emitter
Most of the <helium> in the <Earth>'s atmosphere comes from alpha decay, since helium is lighter than air and naturally escapes out out of the atmosphere.
Wiki mentions that alpha decay is well modelled as a <quantum tunnelling> event, see also <Geiger-Nuttall law>.
As a result of that law, alpha particles have relatively little energy variation around 5 MeV or a speed of about 5% of the <speed of light> for any element, because the energy is inversely exponentially proportional to <half-life>. This is because:
* if the energy is much larger, decay is very fast and we don't have time to study the <isotope>
* if the energy is much smaller, decay is very rare and we don't have enough events to observe at all
{title=<Quantum tunnelling> and the <Alpha particle> Paradox by <Physics Explained> (2022)}
* George Gamow and Edward Condon proposed the <quantum tunnelling> explanation
* worked out example that predicts the <half-life> of <polonium-210> based on its emission energy
= Cluster decay
{parent=Alpha decay}
= Spontaneous fission
{parent=Alpha decay}
= Alpha particle
{parent=Alpha decay}
= Alpha particles have low penetration depth
{parent=Alpha particle}
They are stopped by:
* by a few centimeters of air
* a sheet of paper
* the skin
Therefore, <alpha emitters> are not too dangerous unless ingested.
= Geiger-Nuttall law
{parent=Alpha particle}
= Beta decay
{parent=Type of radioactive decay}
= Beta particle
<Uranium> emits them, you can see their mass to charge ratio under magnetic field and so deduce that they are <electrons>.
Caused by <weak interaction> TODO why/how.
The emitted electron kinetic energy is random from zero to a maximum value. The rest goes into a <neutrino>. This is how the neutrino was first discovered/observed indirectly. This is well illustrated in a <decay scheme> such as <image caesium-137 decay scheme>.
= Gamma ray
{parent=Type of radioactive decay}
Most commonly known as a byproduct <radioactive decay>.
Their energy is very high compared example to more common radiation such as <visible spectrum>, and there is a neat reason for that: it's because the <strong force> that binds <nuclei> is strong so transitions lead to large energy changes.
A <decay scheme> such as <image caesium-137 decay scheme> illustrates well how gamma radiation happens as a byproduct of <radioactive decay> due to the existence of <nuclear isomer>.
Gamma rays are pretty cool as they give us insight into the energy levels/different configurations of the nucleus.
They have also been used as early sources of high energy particles for <particle physics> experiments before the development of <particle accelerators>, serving a similar purpose to <cosmic rays> in those early days.
But <gamma rays> they were more convenient in some cases because you could more easily manage them inside a <laboratory> rather than have to go climb some bloody mountain or a <balloon>.
The <positron> for example was first observed on <cosmic rays>, but better confirmed in <gamma ray> experiments by <Carl David Anderson>.
= Nuclear isomer
{parent=Gamma ray}
= Gamma spectroscopy
{parent=Gamma ray}
{title=<Gamma spectroscopy> of a <Uranium ore>}
{description=Several points of the <Uranium 238 decay chain> are clearly visible.}
= Do all gamma rays have the same energy during a given nuclear reaction?
{parent=Gamma spectroscopy}
The following <cobalt 60> diagrams suggest that some lines are clearly visible in specific <nuclear reactions>:
Also this one:
= Decay chain
{parent=Radioactive decay}
= Decay scheme
{parent=Radioactive decay}
Example: <image caesium-137 decay scheme>
= Half-life
{parent=Radioactive decay}
The <half-life> of <radioactive decay>, which as discovered a few years before <quantum mechanics> was discovered and matured, was a major mystery. Why do some nuclei fission in apparently random fashion, while others don't? How is the state of different nuclei different from one another? This is mentioned in <Inward Bound by Abraham Pais (1988)> Chapter 6.e Why a half-life?
The term also sees use in other areas, notably <biology>, where e.g. <RNAs> spontaneously decay as part of the <cell>'s <control system>, see e.g. mentions in <E. Coli Whole Cell Model by Covert Lab>.
= Isotope
{parent=Nuclear physics}
{title=<Neon> isotope line split photograph by <J. J. Thomson>}
<J. J. Thomson> took this picture in 1912:
> There can, therefore, I think, be little doubt that what has been called <neon> is not a simple gas but a mixture of two gases, one of which has an atomic weight about 20 and the other about 22. The parabola due to the heavier gas is always much fainter than that due to the lighter, so that probably the heavier gas forms only a small percentage of the mixture.
= Isotope separation
= Gaseous diffusion
{parent=Isotope separation}
This <isotope separation> method was the first big successful method, having been used in the <Manhattan Project>, notably in the <K-25> reactor.
This method was superseded by the more efficient <gas centrifuges>.
{title=<Gaseous diffusion> diagram}
= Gas centrifuge
{parent=Isotope separation}
= Nuclear magnetic moment
{parent=Nuclear physics}
= Nuclear spin
= Nuclear magnetic resonance
{parent=Nuclear magnetic moment}
<Ciro Santilli> once visited the chemistry department of a world leading university, and the chemists there were obsessed with <NMR>. They had small benchtop <NMR> machines. They had larger machines. They had a room full of huge machines. They had them in corridors and on desk tops. Chemists really love that stuff. More precisely, these are used for <NMR spectroscopy>, which helps identify what a sample is made of.
Basically measures the concentration of certain isotopes in a region of space.
{title=Introduction to NMR by Allery Chemistry}
* only works with an odd number of <nucleons>
* apply strong <magnetic field>, this separates the energy of up and down spins. Most spins align with field.
* send <radio waves> into sample to make nucleons go to upper energy level. We can see that the energy difference is small since we are talking about radio waves, low frequency.
* when nucleon goes back down, it re-emits radio waves, and we detect that. TODO: how do we not get that confused with the input wave, which is presumably at the same frequency? It appears to send pulses, and then wait for the response.
{title=How to Prepare and Run a NMR Sample by University of Bath (2017)}
{description=This is a more direct howto, cool to see. Uses a <Bruker Corporation> 300. They have a robotic arm add-on. Shows spectrum on computer screen at the end. Shame no molecule identification after that!}
{title=Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by Royal Society Of Chemistry (2008)}
This video has the merit of showing real equipment usage, including <sample preparation>.
Says clearly that NMR is the most important way to identify <organic compounds>.
* lists some of the most common targets, including <hydrogen> and <carbon-13>
* <ethanol> example
* they use solvents where all <protium> is replaced by <deuterium> to not affect results. Genius.
* usually they do 16 <radio wave> pulses
{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 01 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=<Precession> and <Resonance>. Precession has a natural frequency for any angle of the wheel.}
{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 02 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=The influence of <temperature> on spin statistics. At 300K, the number of up and down spins are very similar. As you reduce temperature, we get more and more on lower energy state.}
{title=Introductory <NMR> & <MRI>: Video 03 by Magritek (2009)}
{description=The influence of <temperature> on spin statistics. At 300K, the number of up and down spins are very similar. As you reduce temperature, we get more and more on lower energy state.}
{title=<NMR> spectroscopy visualized by ScienceSketch}
{description=2020. Decent explanation with animation. Could go into a bit more numbers, but OK.}
= History of NMR
{parent=Nuclear magnetic resonance}
= Rabi's NMR experiment
{parent=History of NMR}
{tag=Isidor Rabi}
Published as <A New Method of Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moment>.
= Rabi resonance method
{parent=Rabi's NMR experiment}
= Larmor precession
{parent=Nuclear magnetic resonance}
The equation is simple: frequency is proportional to field strength!
= Larmor frequency
{parent=Larmor precession}
= Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
{parent=Nuclear magnetic resonance}
= NMR spectroscopy
Used to identify <organic compounds>.
Seems to be based on the effects that electrons around the nuclei (shielding electrons) have on the outcome of <NMR>.
So it is a bit unlike <MRI> where you are interested in the position of certain nuclei in space (of course, these being atoms, you can't see their positions in space).
{title=What's Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by <Bruker Corporation> (2020)}
{description=Good 3D animations showing the structure of the NMR machine. We understand that it is very bulky largely due to the <cryogenic> system. It then talks a bit about <organic compound identification> by talking about <ethanol>, i.e. this is <NMR spectroscopy>, but it is a bit too much to follow closely. Basically the electron configuration alters the nuclear response somehow, and allows identifying functional groups.}
= Magnetic resonance imaging
{parent=Nuclear magnetic resonance}
{tag=Medical imaging}
<MRI> is using <NMR> to image inside peoples bodies!
{title=How does an MRI machine work? by Science Museum (2019)}
{description=The best one can do in 3 minutes perhaps.}
{title=How MRI Works Part 1 by thePIRL (2018)}
* the magnet is normally always on for the entire lifetime of the equipment!
* usage of <non-ionizing radiation> (only <radio frequencies>) means that it is very safe to use. The only dangerous part is the magnetic field interacting with metallic objects.
{title=What happens behind the scenes of an MRI scan? by Strange Parts (2023)}
{title=Dr Mansfield's MRI MEDICAL MARVEL by <BBC>}
{description=Broadcast in 1978. Description:
\Q[Tomorrow's World gave audiences a true world first as Dr Peter Mansfield of the University of Nottingham demonstrated the first full body prototype device for <Magnetic Resonance Imaging> (MRI), allowing us to see inside the human body without the use of <X-rays>.]
Featuring the yet-to-be <2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine> Dr. Mansfield.
= NMR vendor
{parent=Nuclear magnetic resonance}
= Bruker Corporation
{parent=NMR vendor}
= History of particle physics
{parent=Particle physics}
{tag=History of physics}
= The Harvest of a Century by Siegmund Brandt (2008)
{parent=History of particle physics}
This is a good book, it gives a summary of biographies, and a reasonable description of the main ideas, with many illustrations. Each subject is not presented in incredible detail, but it is a good overview of events.
= Inward Bound by Abraham Pais (1988)
{parent=History of particle physics}
{tag=Book by Abraham Pais}
Free borrow on the <Internet Archive>:
The book unfortunately does not cover the history of <quantum mechanics> very, the author specifically says that this will not be covered, the focus is more on particles/forces. But there are still some mentions.
= Radiation
{parent=Particle physics}
= Penetration of radiation
{title=Penetration of <alpha particles>, <beta particles> and <gamma rays>}
= Particle physics bibliography
{parent=Particle physics}
Some light YouTube channels, good for the first view, but which don't go into enough detail to truly show the subject's beauty:
= PBS Space Time
{parent=Particle physics bibliography}
{tag=PBS channel}
Always a bit too much on the superficial side, but sometimes OK, 5-10 minute videos.
= 2011 PHYS 485 lecture videos by Roger Moore from the University of Alberta
{parent=Particle physics bibliography}
These feel good. Targeted at upper <undergrads>, so he says he holds back on some stuff, but gives a good level of detail for people who have a life.
= Particle physics YouTube channel
{parent=Particle physics bibliography}
{tag=Physics YouTube channel}
= Andrew Dotson YouTube channel
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
Too many fun skit videos for <Ciro Santilli>'s taste, but does have some serious derivations in <quantum electrodynamics>.
= Andrew Dotson
{parent=Andrew Dotson YouTube channel}
= Dietterich Labs
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
{tag=The best scientific YouTube channels}
= Samuel Dietterich
Covers some specific hardcore subjects, notably <quantum electrodynamics>, in full <mathematical> detail, e.g.: "Quantum Field Theory Lecture Series" playlist:
As of 2020 Dietterich was a <condensed matter> <PhD> candidate or post-doc at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and he lives in <Minnesota>, sources:
Unfortunately the channel is too obsessed with mathematical detail (which it does amazingly), and does not give enough examples/application/intuition, which is what would be useful to most people, thus falling too much on the hardcore side of <the missing link between basic and advanced>.
This channel does have on merit however: compared to other university courses, it is much more direct, which might mean that you get to something interesting before you got bored to death, <you can learn more from older students than from faculty>{full} comes to mind.
Videos generally involves short talks + a detailed read-through of a pre-prepared <PDF>. Dietterich has refused however giving the PDF or <LaTeX> source as of 2020 on comments unfortunately... what a <open educational resources>[wasted opportunity] for society. TODO find the comment. Sam, if you ever Google yourself to this page, let's make a collab on <> and fucking change education forever man.
Full name as shown in channel content: Samuel Dietterich. Other accounts:
{title=The Ultimate Goal Of My YouTube Channel by <Dietterich Labs> (2020)}
{description=In this video Dietterich gives his <ideal> for the channel. Notably, he describes how the few experimental videos he has managed to make were done in a opportunistic way from experiments that were happening around him. This resonated with <Ciro Santilli>'s ideas from <videos of all key physics experiments>.}
{title=Sam Dietterich interview by Dietterich Labs (2022)}
{description=TODO find patience to watch and summarize key points.}
{title=The Sting Of Soft Corruption: My College Experience by Dietterich Labs}
{description=<Academia is broken> video.}
= Pretty Much Physics
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
Almost always <the missing link between basic and advanced>[too short superficial where it matters unfortunately], as usual.
= ViaScience
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
Those guys are really good, <Ciro Santilli> especially enjoyed their <quantum mechanics> playlist:
The <quantum electrodynamics> one was a bit too slow paced for Ciro unfortunately, too much groundwork and too little results.
Accompanying website with a tiny little bit of code:
TODO: authors and their affiliation.
Videos licensed as <CC BY-SA>, those guys are so good.
= Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
These videos can give some geometric insight and do have their value.
But they are sometimes too slow, <how to teach and learn physics>[there are never any mention of experiments, just "the truth"].
And when things get "<mathy>", it sticks to a more qualitative view which may not be enough.
Very over the top with <sexy> demons and angels making appearances, and has some classic aesthetic artistic value :-)
= Eugene Khutoryansky
{parent=Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky}
Eugene's background:
= Don Lincoln
{parent=Particle physics YouTube channel}
{title2=particle physicist}
Publishes through the <Fermilab> <YouTube> channel under the playlist "Fermilab - Videos by Don Lincoln"
Some insights, but too much on the <popular science> side of things.