gem5 event queue TimingSimpleCPU syscall emulation freestanding example analysis with caches and multiple CPUs
./build-userland --arch aarch64 --optimization-level 3 --userland-build-id o3
./run \
  --arch aarch64 \
  --cli-args '2 1000' \
  --cpus 3 \
  --emulator gem5 \
  --trace FmtFlag,CacheAll,DRAM,Event,ExecAll,SimpleCPU,XBar \
  --userland userland/c/atomic/aarch64_add.c \
  --userland-build-id o3 \
  -- \
  --caches \
  --cpu-type TimingSimpleCPU \

This is arguably the best experiment to study the gem5 crossbar interconnect.

We increase the loop count to 100 loops because 100 did not show memory conflicts. The output is:

expect 200
global 147

Let’s double check what it compiles to with disas:

./disas --arch aarch64 --userland userland/c/atomic/aarch64_add.c --userland-build-id o3 my_thread_main

which contains:

   0x0000000000400a70 <+0>:     03 00 40 f9     ldr     x3, [x0]
   0x0000000000400a74 <+4>:     63 01 00 b4     cbz     x3, 0x400aa0 <my_thread_main+48>
   0x0000000000400a78 <+8>:     82 00 00 d0     adrp    x2, 0x412000 <malloc@got.plt>
   0x0000000000400a7c <+12>:    42 a0 01 91     add     x2, x2, #0x68
   0x0000000000400a80 <+16>:    00 00 80 d2     mov     x0, #0x0                        // #0
   0x0000000000400a84 <+20>:    1f 20 03 d5     nop
   0x0000000000400a88 <+24>:    41 00 40 f9     ldr     x1, [x2]
   0x0000000000400a8c <+28>:    21 04 00 91     add     x1, x1, #0x1
   0x0000000000400a90 <+32>:    41 00 00 f9     str     x1, [x2]
   0x0000000000400a94 <+36>:    00 04 00 91     add     x0, x0, #0x1
   0x0000000000400a98 <+40>:    7f 00 00 eb     cmp     x3, x0
   0x0000000000400a9c <+44>:    68 ff ff 54     b.hi    0x400a88 <my_thread_main+24>  // b.pmore
   0x0000000000400aa0 <+48>:    00 00 80 52     mov     w0, #0x0                        // #0
   0x0000000000400aa4 <+52>:    c0 03 5f d6     ret

Grepping the logs with grep '@my_thread_main\+24 shows where the first non-atomic interleaves happen at:

[many other CPU1 hits]
471199000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x000000000000002e A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)
471207000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x000000000000002f A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)
471202000: ExecEnable: system.cpu2: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x000000000000002f A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)
471239000: ExecEnable: system.cpu2: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x0000000000000030 A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)
471228000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x0000000000000030 A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)
471269000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x0000000000000031 A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)

after a long string of cpu1 hits, since CPU1 was forked first and therefore had more time to run that operation.

From those and logs around we deduce that:

  • the shared address of interest is 0x412068

  • the physical address is 0x2068

  • it fits into the cache line for 0x2040:0x207f

With that guide, we look at the fuller logs around that region of interest. With start at the first ifetch that CPU2 does for our LDR of interest at 0x400a88:

471201000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu2: Fetch
471201000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu2: Translating address 0x400a88

Things get a bit interleaved with CPU1, but soon afterwards we see the CPU2 make its memory request to the cache:

471202000: Event: Event_134: Timing CPU icache tick 134 executed @ 471202000
471202000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu2: Complete ICache Fetch for addr 0xa88
471202000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: access for ReadReq [2068:206f] D=c879334bb1550000 num=266073 miss
471202000: CachePort: system.cpu2.dcache.mem_side: Scheduling send event at 471203000
471202000: Event: system.cpu2.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 140 scheduled @ 471203000

Before the request moves on, some CPU1 action happens: a CPU1 is sending its data out! It hit the cache, and now we confirm that the cache is in state: M as expected, since CPU1 had already been previously writting repeatedly to that address:

471202000: Event: Event_87: Timing CPU icache tick 87 executed @ 471202000
471202000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu1: Complete ICache Fetch for addr 0xa90
471202000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: access for WriteReq [2068:206f] D=2f00000000000000 num=266074 hit state: f (M) valid: 1 writable: 1 readable: 1 dirty: 1 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471202000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu1.dcache: satisfyRequest for WriteReq [2068:206f] D=2f00000000000000 num=266074 (write)
471202000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 91 scheduled @ 471203000

Immediately afterwards, CPU1 gets its reply from the cache, which is fast as that was a hit, and its STR finishes:

471203000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 91 executed @ 471203000
471203000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu1.dcache_port: Received load/store response 0x2068
471203000: Event: Event_89: Timing CPU dcache tick 89 scheduled @ 471203000
471203000: Event: Event_89: Timing CPU dcache tick 89 executed @ 471203000
471202000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+32    :   str   x1, [x2]           : MemWrite :  D=0x000000000000002f A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsStore)

Now we approach the crux of this example: cpu2 dcache decides to forward its read request:

471203000: Event: system.cpu2.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 140 executed @ 471203000
471203000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: sendMSHRQueuePacket: MSHR ReadReq [2068:206f] D=c879334bb1550000 num=266073
471203000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: createMissPacket: created ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076 from ReadReq [2068:206f] D=c879334bb1550000 num=266073

Here, CPU2 dcache finally forwards to the XBar its request via the gem5 MSHR mechanism as in gem5 event queue TimingSimpleCPU syscall emulation freestanding example analysis with caches

createMissPacket creates a new packet for the cache request with a different type: ReadSharedReq instead of the original ReadReq, and then it sends that packet into CoherentXBar:

471203000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingReq: src system.membus.slave[10] packet ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076
471203000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest: src system.membus.slave[10] packet ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076
471203000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest:   SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
471203000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest:   new SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
471203000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingReq: src system.membus.slave[10] packet ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076 SF size: 1 lat: 1
471203000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: forwardTiming for ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076

The XBar receives the request, and notices that CPU1 cares about it, because obviously it has that line from previous writes, so the XBar forwards the exact same request to the CPU1 dcache:

471203000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu1.dcache: recvTimingSnoopReq: for ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076
471203000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu1.dcache: handleSnoop: for ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076
471203000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: handleSnoop: snoop hit for ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076, old state is state: f (M) valid: 1 writable: 1 readable: 1 dirty: 1 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471203000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: new state is state: d (O) valid: 1 writable: 0 readable: 1 dirty: 1 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471203000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: doTimingSupplyResponse: for ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076
471203000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu1.dcache: doTimingSupplyResponse: created response: ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078 tick: 471212000
471203000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 94 scheduled @ 471212000
471203000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingReq: Not forwarding ReadSharedReq [2040:207f] D=40cfe14bb15500005b323036383a323036665d20443d63383739333334626231353530303030206e756d3d32363630373300000000016d6973730a0000000000 num=266076

and from this we see that this read request from CPU2 made a cache from CPU1 go from M to O! Cache coherence is being maintained!

Furthermore, it also suggests that now CPU1 is going to supply the response to CPU2 directly from its cache, and the memory request will be suppressed! As mentioned in lecture notes from Cache coherence, we know that this is one of the ways that cache coherence may be maintained in MOESI-like protocols.

After this point, CPU1 continues to go around the loop. After a few instructions we don’t care about, we once again reach the LDR:

471207000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu1: Complete ICache Fetch for addr 0xa88
471207000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: access for ReadReq [2068:206f] D=c879334bb1550000 num=266082 hit state: d (O) valid: 1 writable: 0 readable: 1 dirty: 1 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471207000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 91 scheduled @ 471208000
471208000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 91 executed @ 471208000
471208000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu1.dcache_port: Received load/store response 0x2068
471208000: Event: Event_89: Timing CPU dcache tick 89 scheduled @ 471208000
471208000: Event: Event_89: Timing CPU dcache tick 89 executed @ 471208000
471207000: ExecEnable: system.cpu1: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x000000000000002f A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)

but it is immediately satisfied since the line is already in O, and nothing needs to be sent out to the bus since it’s a read.

Then the add 1 runs entirely from cache of course, and then CPU1 starts its STR:

471210000: Event: Event_87: Timing CPU icache tick 87 executed @ 471210000
471210000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu1: Complete ICache Fetch for addr 0xa90
471210000: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: access for WriteReq [2068:206f] D=3000000000000000 num=266085 hit state: d (O) valid: 1 writable: 0 readable: 1 dirty: 1 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471210000: CachePort: system.cpu1.dcache.mem_side: Scheduling send event at 471211000
471210000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 93 scheduled @ 471211000

In parallel, the CPU1 snoop response to the CPU2 LDR that had been previously sent reaches the XBar:

471212000: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 94 executed @ 471212000
471212000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingSnoopResp: src system.membus.slave[6] packet ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078
471212000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: updateSnoopResponse: rsp system.membus.slave[6] req system.membus.slave[10] packet ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078
471212000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: updateSnoopResponse:   old SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000
471212000: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: updateSnoopResponse:   new SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101000
471212000: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingSnoopResp: src system.membus.slave[6] packet ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078 FWD RESP
471212000: Event: system.membus.slave[10]-RespPacketQueue.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 186 scheduled @ 471214000
471212000: Event: system.membus.respLayer10.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 187 scheduled @ 471217000
471212000: BaseXBar: system.membus.respLayer10: The crossbar layer is now busy from tick 471212000 to 471217000

We know that it is the same one based on the packet num= match.

And just after that, by coincidence, the CPU1 STR write request also starts going to the XBar:

471212001: Event: system.cpu1.dcache.mem_side-MemSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 93 executed @ 471212001
471212001: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: sendMSHRQueuePacket: MSHR WriteReq [2068:206f] D=3000000000000000 num=266085
471212001: Cache: system.cpu1.dcache: createMissPacket: created UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086 from WriteReq [2068:206f] D=3000000000000000 num=266085
471212001: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingReq: src system.membus.slave[6] packet UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest: src system.membus.slave[6] packet UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest:   SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101000
471212001: SnoopFilter: system.membus.snoop_filter: lookupRequest:   new SF value 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101000
471212001: CoherentXBar: system.membus: recvTimingReq: src system.membus.slave[6] packet UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086 SF size: 1 lat: 1
471212001: CoherentXBar: system.membus: forwardTiming for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: CacheVerbose: system.cpu2.dcache: recvTimingSnoopReq: for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: Cache: global: handleSnoop for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: CacheVerbose: system.cpu2.dcache: handleSnoop: for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086
471212001: CacheVerbose: system.cpu2.dcache: handleSnoop: snoop miss for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266086

This time, we can see that the WriteReq gets turned into an UpgradeReq by the cache.

It does not however change the CPU2 cacheline state, because the CPU2 cache is not yet valid line because LDR reply still hasn’t come back! We see on the source code:

Cache::handleSnoop(PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *blk, bool is_timing,
                   bool is_deferred, bool pending_inval)
    } else if (!blk_valid) {
        DPRINTF(CacheVerbose, "%s: snoop miss for %s\n", __func__,

At last, the CPU1 snoop reply reaches the CPU2 dcache with the (now old 2f) data:

471214000: Event: system.membus.reqLayer0.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 164 executed @ 471214000
471214000: Event: system.membus.slave[10]-RespPacketQueue.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 186 executed @ 471214000
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: recvTimingResp: Handling response ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: Block for addr 0x2040 being updated in Cache
471214000: CacheRepl: system.cpu2.dcache: Replacement victim: state: 0 (I) valid: 0 writable: 0 readable: 0 dirty: 0 | tag: 0xffffffffffffffff set: 0x81 way: 0
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: Block addr 0x2040 (ns) moving from state 0 to state: 5 (S) valid: 1 writable: 0 readable: 1 dirty: 0 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0

On the above, we see that this initially moves the cache to S state.

However, remember that after CPU2 started its LDR, CPU1 did an STR, and that STR was already snooped by CPU2 above? Well, the MSHR or the cache had noted that down, and now it proceeds to invalidate the line:

471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: serviceMSHRTargets: updated cmd to ReadRespWithInvalidate [2068:206f] D=2f00000000000000 num=266073
471214000: Event: system.cpu2.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 138 scheduled @ 471215000
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: processing deferred snoop...
471214000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu2.dcache: handleSnoop: for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266087
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: handleSnoop: snoop hit for UpgradeReq [2040:207f] D= num=266087, old state is state: 5 (S) valid: 1 writable: 0 readable: 1 dirty: 0 | tag: 0 set: 0x81 way: 0
471214000: Cache: system.cpu2.dcache: new state is state: 0 (I) valid: 0 writable: 0 readable: 0 dirty: 0 | tag: 0xffffffffffffffff set: 0x81 way: 0
471214000: CacheVerbose: system.cpu2.dcache: recvTimingResp: Leaving with ReadResp [2040:207f] D=700640000000000070064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 num=266078

It is a bit funny, but we see that at the same time, both the response arrived with the data, and the cache gets invalidated with a delay. The MSHR kept track of that for us. On the above logs, actually Cache: global: handleSnoop is the line in question.

And at long long last, the CPU2 LDR finishes:

471215000: Event: system.cpu2.dcache.cpu_side-CpuSidePort.wrapped_function_event: EventFunctionWrapped 138 executed @ 471215000
471215000: SimpleCPU: system.cpu2.dcache_port: Received load/store response 0x2068
471215000: Event: Event_136: Timing CPU dcache tick 136 scheduled @ 471215000
471215000: Event: Event_136: Timing CPU dcache tick 136 executed @ 471215000
471202000: ExecEnable: system.cpu2: A0 T0 : @my_thread_main+24    :   ldr   x1, [x2]           : MemRead :  D=0x000000000000002f A=0x412068  flags=(IsInteger|IsMemRef|IsLoad)

We note therefore that no DRAM access was involved, one cache services the other directly!

Tested on LKMC 4f82f79be7b0717c12924f4c9b7c4f46f8f18e2f + 1, gem5 3ca404da175a66e0b958165ad75eb5f54cb5e772 with a hack to add packet IDs and data to Packet::print.