Other openly dissident users on Stack Overflow (Stack Overflow 上的其他公开持不同政见的用户)
For non-Stack Overflow specific ones see: Chinese dissidents (中国持不同政见者)
Query to find them: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/312860/chinese-dissidents-by-keyword-aboutme-or-displayname
Notable ones only here (high rep or innovative criticism):
"GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會"
Real name: Vincent Tam from social media links.
Keyword attack inspired by me
Yu Hao
"GFW (Great Firewall of China) is one of the most notorious inventions in the history of Internet. Anyone working for it should be ashamed."
"Free Tibet From China Domination"
Scott 混合理论
The same message as Yu Hao, I wonder if it is an external thing or direct copy of Yu, but no Google hits besides them.
Terry Wang
Lego recreation of Tankman on the profile picture: Rough Lego (乐高) model of the Tank Man scene. A Lego Xinjiang "re-education" camps (新疆再教育營, 2017-) can be seen at https://twitter.com/MidnightMitch/status/1412887665113018371, many people replied with that at: https://twitter.com/LEGO_Group/status/1412743232270876675. A fake Lego advertisement video has also been made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wphTAEQusLk. Source.
Users who had GFW references but removed it:
Misc interesting stuff:
<location>火车站酒店小姐 (about 20 accounts with that pattern)
Interesting list of prostitution spam/sockpuppets? All have the exact same profile information.
Hitting query due to "审查", but the usage is unrelated to the Firewall.