= Social technology
= Conference
{parent=Social technology}
A bit like a <cult>.
Many speakers are good. But especially in TEDx, we've had some notorious ones:
*[Raz Gal-or and his father Amir Gal-Or]
= Government
{parent=Social technology}
= Form of government
Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia CHAPTER VIII[]:
\Q[Oppression is, in the Abyssinian dominions, neither frequent nor tolerated; but no form of government has been yet discovered by which cruelty can be wholly prevented. Subordination supposes power on one part and subjection on the other; and if power be in the hands of men it will sometimes be abused. The vigilance of the supreme magistrate may do much, but much will still remain undone. He can never know all the crimes that are committed, and can seldom punish all that he knows.]
= Democracy
{parent=Form of government}
= Direct democracy
= Voting
= Vote
= Electronic voting
This is a must if the people want to regain control of their society from apathetic politicians.
I would also increase voter percentage due to convenience, and reduce the weight of voting fraud cases, as everyone would be able to check that their own vote was counted correctly.
And then, we would be able to have <referendums> for basically any important decision being made. No need to go out on the streets and waste your time in a mass protest! Just vote!
It is possible to implement anonymous electronic voting with <ring signatures>, an algorithm also used by <Monero>, an <anonymity> focused <cryptocurrency>, as mentioned e.g. on this 2004 paper[]. The system can be set in a way such that you can only deanonymize someone if everyone else, or a very large number of people, conspire against that person.
The same system could also be used to setup forums where only citizens of the country could comment and propose changes and vote on them.
With electronic voting, we could have a system where you can let someone you trust vote for you automatically, or vote automatically for certain subjects alone, a bit like we do by electing senators. But then you would also be able to override specific votes if you wanted to.
In this system therefore, anyone who can proxy vote has to have their vote public, and placed in a decent website that shows clearly who voted for what.
* allows you to delegate your voting power to someone else, that's perfect!
= Referendum
= Dictatorship
{parent=Form of government}
<China> related:
= World domination
{parent=Form of government}
= Take over the world
= Tax
= Taxation
= Fiscal paradise
Fiscal paradises must be invaded and destroyed.
= Legal tender
= Tax the rich
{tag=Social inequality}
{title=How the rich avoid paying taxes by Vox (2021)}
{description=Features interview with Morris Pearl, a rich dude that is campaigning to tax the rich. He also participates in an association called["Patriotic Millionaires"] to further this agenda.}
{title=What Eating the Rich Did For Japan by <Asianometry> (2021)}
= Social justice
{parent=Tax the rich}
= Social justice YouTube channel
{parent=Social justice}
{tag=YouTube channel}
= More Perfect Union
{parent=Social justice YouTube channel}
= Georgism
{parent=Tax the rich}
{title=Georgism 101 by BritMonkey (2019)}
= Redistribution of wealth
{parent=Tax the rich}
= Progressive tax
{parent=Tax the rich}
= Wealth tax
{parent=Tax the rich}
Obviously coupled with measures to prevent <capital flight>. This would be a required step to achieve <Ciro Santilli>'s dream of <unconditional basic income>.
Why don't the poor vote in mass for it is incomprehensible considering e.g. the <wealth inequality in the United States> as of 2020!
Perhaps the election of <Donald Trump> in 2016 woke up the <democrats> at last, that they were just making empty promises without actually benefiting the poor?[]. Or is just another facade?
* If a Wealth Tax is Such a Good Idea, Why Did <Europe> Kill Theirs?
* The Mayfair Set, Episode 2 - Entrepreneur Spelt S.P.I.V. (1999) by <Adam Curtis> explains nicely how in the 60's,[Jim Slater] bought stock of inefficient companies, and sold off inefficient assets to make a profit.
He managed to do that because previously people had regarded those companies as family companies, and never looked into the fact that they families weren't actually majority shareholders anymore.
While this increased efficiency, it also fired many people, and the government didn't manage to change legislation fast enough to <tax> those profits to increase welfare.
= Management
{parent=Social technology}
{title=DealBook Conference 2015 - Activist Investing by <New York Times> Events (2015)}
{description=At this timestamp, Carl Icahn tells an anecdote of how he found that an entire 12-floor building of the[American Car and Foundry Company] which he had recently bought was not doing anything useful, and fired the entire building.}
= Marketing
{parent=Social technology}
= Advertising
= Advertisement
= Regulate the fuck out of advertising
It should be illegal to give someone money to advertise your product.
We should just use tags and upvote-based algorithms.
Advertisement is a form of <brainwashing>.
TODO find <Sergey Brin> quote bout advertising being a form of perverting search engine ranking neutrality. In other words, there are neutral metrics to what people find good, like links and upvotes. And then advertising is a way to pervert that to someone's profit.
Sometimes <Ciro Santilli> thinks advertising should be on-subscription only, but that is too restrictive, e.g. imagine the local business owner who wears a t-shirt of their business.
= Ad blocking
= Ad blocker
= Publicity stunt
= White paper
<White papers> are a form of <advertisement>. They are not <peer reviewed papers>.
= The best advertisements of all time
= Chumbox
<Clickbait> advertisement
= Taboola
Taboola is a <clickbait> trained neural network. Which happens to have been written by <Adolf Hitler>.
= If a product of a big company has a catchy name it came from an acquisition
If a Big Company makes a product that Does Something, they just call it Big Company Does Something.
If a product is called "Big Company Catchy Name Does Something", then it came from an acquisition, and they wanted to keep the name due to its prestige and to not confuse users.
= Meal deal
\Q[A while ago a <#Singaporean> <#taxi driver> asked me what a UK <#hawker centre> lunch might cost. I explained that there aren't any. He asked what office workers ate, and I explained the concept of <Meal Deals>. And he looked at me with such a powerful combination of pity and revulsion.]
Singaporean taxi drivers are the cutest.
= Media
{parent=Social technology}
= Media company
{parent=Media (communication)}
{parent=Media company}
= The BBC
{parent=Media company}
= PBS channel
= PBS Eons
{parent=PBS channel}
= Vice Media
{parent=Media company}
= Vice News
{parent=Vice Media}
= Magazine
{parent=Media (communication)}
= Forbes
= Newspaper
{parent=Media (communication)}
= Newspaper by country
= American newspaper
{parent=Newspaper by country}
{tag=United States}
= New York Times
{parent=American newspaper}
= NYTimes
= British newspaper
{parent=Newspaper by country}
{tag=United Kingdom}
= The Guardian
{parent=British newspaper}
= Chinese newspaper
{parent=Newspaper by country}
= South China Morning Post
{parent=Chinese newspaper}
= Social media
{parent=Media (communication)}
Basically a <social network> where you don't know the other people very well.
= Social media feed that forces you to see posts by non-followed
{parent=Social media}
During the early 2020s, many of the idiotic social media platforms started adding a non optional "feature" of suggesting feed posts by people you don't follow:
* <Twitter>: TODO forgot year
* <LinkedIn>: 2023
OK, set "Most recent posts" on "Feed preferences" and it seems to work.
* <How to view only posts by followed on Facebook feed?>
It must have been some A/B testing overload that made that decision to try and make things more addictive for everyone. Or perhaps as a way to drive revenue with people paying to cheat the algorithm and boost their posts.
<European Union> we need you.
= Aggressively filter your social media follows
{parent=Social media}
Ciro Santilli very aggressively aggressively people in social media.
There are basically 3 categories:
* are you Ciro's parents or children or brothers: OK, keep following, unless you are truly truly very noise.
* does Ciro really really like or respect you? OK, he can take some useless (i.e. non-technical/scientific) posts
* otherwise: one bad post and unfollow
= Social network
{parent=Social media}
* <social media>
= Distributed social network
{parent=Social media}
= Federated social network
= List of social media
{parent=Social media}
= Facebook
{parent=List of social media}
= History of Facebook
= FaceMash
{parent=History of Facebook}
= Winklevoss twins
{parent=History of Facebook}
= Winklevii
Sample "Winklevii" reference:
= Winklevoss twins' involvement in Bitcoin
{parent=Winklevoss twins}
{tag=Bitcoin entrepreneur}
These dudes are relentless!!!
{title=How the <Winklevoss twins>’ crypto program failed by Good Work (2023)}
= Film about Facebook
= The Social Network
{parent=Film about Facebook}
{tag=Business film}
{tag=Good film}
{title=<The Social Network>: <Winklevii> pitch to <Zuckerberg>}
{title=<The Social Network>: <Eduardo Saverin> tells the hearing how he was trapped into the shares dilution}
{title=<The Social Network>: dinner with <#Sean Parker>}
{title=<The Social Network>: <Eduardo Saverin> tells the hearing how his shares were diluted}
{title=<The Social Network>: I'm Not a Bad Guy}
= Instagram
<Ciro Santilli> is just too old to understand what the point of that website is compared to <Twitter>. There must be one, right?
Also, it is impossible to use it on the <browser> without a <cell phone>, similar critique as <messaging software that force you to have a mobile phone>{full} but a bit more aggravating, because, well, you would expect creators want people to see their stuff on a <browser> unlike private messages?
= Person that worked at Facebook
= Eduardo Saverin
{parent=Person that worked at Facebook}
= Mark Zuckerberg
{parent=Person that worked at Facebook}
= Zuckerberg
= How Mark Zuckerberg spends his money
{parent=Mark Zuckerberg}
= How to view only posts by followed on Facebook feed?
{tag=Social media feed that forces you to see posts by non-followed}
Circa 2023, the feed is an unbearable list of stupid suggestions, never-ending idiotic memes, and you just end up missing posts you actually care about from people you actually follow.
* OK they split their feed into multiple feeds. However on page follows you very quickly reach:
\Q[You're all caught up on Most Recent posts Check back later for more updates]
the history doesn't go back even a few days as of November 2023! And the favorites feed is more explicit on their ridiculous timing:
\Q[You're up to date on posts from the last 3 days]
= Mastodon
{parent=List of social media}
{tag=Distributed social network}
Of course those racist <Nazis> are a bunch of idiots, but how can you be surprised when freedom-of-speech focused tech gets used by them?
Obviously, a few large instances dominate the user base for all practical purposes:[]. And likely the network splits into hate-speech/non-hate-speech blacklist boundaries. And since the dominating closed networks will never lose user counts (???), the only instance that dominates will be the main hate speech one.
The flagship instance was[] and then in 2020 they closed signups for it and created a secondary[].
The "advanced interface" feature is bad. Really bad. <MacOS> file browser inspired.
{title=<Mastodon (software)> logo}
= LinkedIn
{parent=List of social media}
{tag=Microsoft product}
<Ciro Santilli>'s LinkedIn profile: see also: <accounts>.
LinkedIn fully complies with censorship imposed locally by the <Chinese government>, and does so in a non-transparent way:[].
It is hard to understand what the point of that website is, as it is basically just a more closed version of <Facebook>, but alas, it has flourished as the only place where people post more useful content compared to <Twitter> and <Facebook>. In any case, Ciro just applies the same unfollow policy to all of them: <aggressively filter your social media follows>.
Impossible to hide your current location?
= Twitter
{parent=List of social media}
<Ciro Santilli>'s accounts: <Ciro Santilli's Twitter accounts>{full}.
= Money
{parent=Social technology}
= Blockchain
= Inscription
= Inscribed
Data that is inscribed in a blockchain as a way to perpetuate the data, rather than to follow the main intended purpose of the given <blockchain>, e.g. <ASCII art> instead of financial transactions on the <Bitcoin blockchain>.
A catalogue for <Bitcoin> can be found at: <Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain>{full}.
= Miner message
{parent=Inscription (blockchain)}
A "miner message" is an <inscription (blockchain)> message left by a <Cryptocurrency mining>[miner] on a <blockchain>.
This is opposed to messages that may be left by non miners during transactions.
Miner messages are therefore of course much harder to control on established blockchains, as they basically require consensus in a <mining pool> to set. Most of them are just ads for the <mining pool> itself.
= Punycode inscription
{parent=Inscription (blockchain)}
<Namecoin> examples are catalogued at:[]. The are small <Unicode art> or emoji code.
There seems to be nothing of particular artistic value as far as we've seen so far, the only interest in such tokens seems to be that:
* there are some examples that came earlier than those in the <Bitcoin> blockchain, notably a bit earlier than <Cool data embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain/Bitlen>{full}
* <namecoin> is a <NFT> system unlike <Bitcoin> which is fungible, so those assets are naturally tradable
= Currency
= Central bank digital currency
= Fiat currency
= Fiat
A useless piece of paper (or <digital currency>[digital version] of it) that you can pay <taxes> with :)
As opposed to:
* 2020 <cryptocurrencies>, while <governments> still don't accept them for taxes, as well as other <assets> that are also not accepted for taxes (i.e. most assets)
* physical currencies that have intrinsic material value, e.g. <gold> coins
= Digital currency
{parent=Fiat currency}
= Electronic money
{parent=Digital currency}
Our minimal definition of "electronic money" is the following.
Instead of creating <legal tender> such as <Dollars> as banknotes or transactions in some complex obscure banking system, the <government> offers an official simple centralized API that represents it instead.
Each citizen or legal entity has an account there, and transfers between registered users are just simple API calls.
So for example you would e able to put all your money in the government account instead of using useless banks. And then you would invest it as you want with the investment company of your choice, without tying the "my money is here" with "this is the best investment" aspects of banks.
= GNU Taler
{parent=Electronic money}
{tag=GNU package}
Centralized system that still attempts some level of privacy.
In it, a central bank issue tokens that are stored offline in your cell phone, a bit like cash bank notes.
When you take those tokens, a corresponding amount gets removed from your bank account, a bit like cash bank notes.
When a transaction is made, tokens are put into a spent token list via central API, and cannot be double spent thereafter. The corresponding ammount is then added to the bank account of the receiver. This also means that offline transactions are not possible.
When emitting, the bank signs the token with their private key. When spending, the bank checks that signature.
How do we prevent the bank from logging which token goes to which user besides trusting that they are running the software we whink they are running? Notably, couldn't timing be used to identify that?
= Brazilian real
{parent=Fiat currency}
= Dollar
{parent=Fiat currency}
{tag=United States}
= \$
= Euro
{parent=Fiat currency}
{tag=European Union}
= €
{title=The <Euro> Has Never Been More Problematic by <Yanis Varoufakis> (2018)}
{description=Talk given at the <Oxford Union>. describes the problem with the Uero a bit better.}
= Pound sterling
{parent=Fiat currency}
{tag=United Kingdom}
= £
= Pound
= Decimal day
{parent=Pound sterling}
{title=Predecimal Currency: The Nightmare in Your Pocket by BritMonkey (2021)}
{title=Saltburn's Halfpenny Toll Bridge by <BBC> (1971)}
{description=What they mean is one penny return, good clickbait though. Also the presenter is hot, that Nouvelle Vague feel.}
= Rich entity
= Rich person
{parent=Rich entity}
= Rich family
{parent=Rich entity}
= Rockefeller family
{parent=Rich family}
{title2=oil monopoly}
They were basically a <Microsoft> of their century. A little less monopolistic perhaps as countries believed they should own they natural resources, unlike their data.
= Payment system
= Organization
{parent=Social technology}
= Internal communications
= Need to know
{parent=Internal communications}
= Nonprofit organization
= Not-for-profit
= Charity
= Charitable organization
{parent=Nonprofit organization}
= Schmidt Futures
{parent=Charitable organization}
{tag=Eric Schmidt}
= Educational charitable organization
{parent=Charitable organization}
In this section we list charitable organizations that support <education> or research:
* by <eLife>
* by <Shuttleworth Foundation>.
* Zuck has already invested in education previously:
* <CC BY>, <the missing link between basic and advanced>[lower undergrad stuff], but better than nothing.
Hmm, some/all of it is a copy of <LibreTexts> but with URLs shorter than a million characters, e.g.:
*[Sir Peter Lampl],[Education Endowment Foundation] and[Sutton Trust]
*[Jacobs Foundation], by German-Swiss coffee mogul[Klaus Johann Jacobs]
* by <United States Government>:
* FY 2024 Education Innovation and Research:
* Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Notices Inviting Applications
= Crankstart Foundation
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
At the organization's website describes mostly California activities, but they do at least also act in the <University of Oxford>, see: <University of Oxford study costs>{full}.
Presumably the name refers to crank starting an old car, as in helping out those in difficulty like poor students get started in life. But is also an obscure slang for[a type of handjob] according to <Urban Dictionary>.
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= IntoUniversity
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= just IMAGINE if...
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= LibreTexts
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
{tag=Closed source software}
Follows the "certified teacher only" approach which is in <Ciro Santilli>'s opinion a fatal flaw of most elearning systems out there, <> won't suffer from that!
But that is a very, very good project.
All notes appear to have been extracted from existing notes, as noted on the bottom of each page.
Appears to have mixed licenses. E.g.:
* is <CC BY>
* but we had seen another one that was <CC BY-NC-SA>
* <CC BY-SA>
* uses the custom "CK-12 license" which seems a bit like <CC BY-NC-SA>
* some don't even have a <free license>, e.g.:
TODO how does it work exactly? Do they ask for permission from authors in every case, including when the content has <open license>? Or when it has open license, do they just do it? In some cases, the notes have no license, so they must have asked.
TODO what is the source code that authors write? <LaTeX> or something else? <LaTeX> feels extremely likely given that it is what most original materials were already written in.
They are attempting a "model up this entire university" thing: which is good. E.g. they have a bunch of "quantum mechanics ones under:
Appears to be <UC Davies>-based mostly.
They claim to use this closed source backend:[]? Seriously? For a publicly funded project with low-tech requirements?? It is <mind blowing>.
Some issues:
* the internal cross references are somewhat broken as of 2022.
* their URLs are HUGE! All components of every ancestor are in it. E.g. check this out: Insane.
OK let's database it:
| <Quantum mechanics>
| Richard Fitzpatrick
| <Quantum mechanics>
| Michael Fowler
| <Quantum Mechanics>
| Niels Walet
| <CC BY-NC-SA 2.0>
| <Quantum mechanics>
| Graeme Ackland
| <CC BY 4.0>
| <Quantum mechanics>
| Pieter Kok
| <CC BY-NC-SA 4.0>
| <Quantum Mechanics>
| Y. D. Chong
| <CC BY-SA 4.0>
| <Quantum Mechanics>
| Mihály Benedict
| <CC BY 3.0>
| <Quantum Mechanics>
| Konstantin K. Likharev
| <CC BY-NC-SA 4.0>
= Open Knowledge Foundation
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= Rhodes Trust
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= Saylor Academy
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
This is an interesting initiative which has some similarities to <Ciro Santilli>'s <OurBigBook> project.
The fatal flaw of the initiative in <Ciro Santilli>'s opinion is the lack of <#user-generated content>. We will never get there without UGC and algorithms, never.
Also as of 2021, it mostly useless business courses: unfortunately.
But it has several redeeming factors which Ciro Santilli aproves of:
* <exam as a service>-like
* they have a <GitHub>:
Licensing appears to be a mixed mess between the dreaded <CC BY-NC-SA> and the good <CC BY>, e.g.:
* is <CC BY-NC-SA>
* but is <CC BY> on footer
The founder <Michael J. Saylor> looks a bit crooked, <Rich people who create charitable prizes are often crooked> comes to mind. But maybe he's just weird.
{title=Michael Saylor interview by Lex Fridman (2022)}
At the timestamp:
\Q[When I go, all my assets will flow into a foundation, and the foundation's mission is to make education free for everybody forever.]
What statement... maybe he's actually not crooked, maybe it was just an accounting mistake... <God>, why.
If only <Ciro Santilli> knew how to contact him and convince him that his current approach is innefective and that Ciro has something better! Michael, please <Google> into this page some day, <Ciro Santilli> needs funding for <>. A hopeless Tweet at:[]. Also tried to hit his ``.
= Michael J. Saylor
{parent=Saylor Academy}
* 2.6 M followers as of 2022. Because of <Bitcoin>? Or was he famous before that?
* yes, he is lol. When did he get the domain, and at what price? He's mildlly obsessed with domain names it seems:[]. He also bought ``, ``. ``. This was between 1994 and 2000. He mentions that his email is ``. `` redirects to `` as of 2022, so seems still valid.
We actually got a backlink from[] to this page in August 2022, a <phising> security provider, presumably for showing his email here. This reminds Ciro of the <All GitHub Commit Emails> event!
A quick google for that address also leads to[], a year 2000 profile page by the Washington Post, followed by a Q&A. In the Q&A, Michael himself gives his email in relation to <Saylor Academy>:
Kensington, Maryland: What has happened to your vision of an internet university? I believe it is an important initiative and it doesn't require \$100 million to get started. We at the <Rockefeller Foundation> would like to become involved. How can we do this?
Michael Saylor: The internet university is alive and well. My goal is to initially roll out a cyber-libary of digital video that can be used by any for-profit or non-profit organization in order to accelerate the free education initiative. Eventually, people may just go direct to the web site.
I think the entire thing will unfold over about 10 years.
Send me an email if you would like to get involved. (
so it was already beyond leaked. Ciro did hit that email address seeking funding for <>, but no reply unfortunately. Maybe you gotta be part of the Rockefeller family to get a reply from these people? Well, at least this led to Ciro learning about the Rockefeller Foundation.
= Rockefeller Foundation
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
{tag=Rockefeller family}
No mention of education specifically on website. But at from <Michael J. Saylor> they did show interest, so adding to this <Educational charitable organization> list anyways.
= Shuttleworth Foundation
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= Simons Foundation
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
Of all the <Rich people who create charitable prizes are often crooked>[rich person] foundations, this is the one that feels the most hardcore.
They put huge focus on <autism>. Do they have an autistic child? Yes: his adughter.
= Jim Simons
{parent=Simons Foundation}
= Teach For All
{parent=Educational charitable organization}
= Brazillian educational charitable organization
{parent=Charitable organization}
= Fundação Estudar
{parent=Brazillian educational charitable organization}
{title=What I learned in <Harvard> part 1 by Jorge Paulo Lemann (2012)}
<Portuguese (language)> talk about his experiences. A bit bably, but has a few good comments:
* \Q[You don't learn the Harvard experience, you absorb it.]
* \Q[Being amongst excellent people makes you learn what excelent people are like, just like only by tasting many different types of wine can you know what good wine is like.]
This one does have bias danger though. But detecting greatness, is as type of bias arguably.
= Jorge Paulo Lemann
{parent=Fundação Estudar}
= Lemann Center
{parent=Fundação Estudar}
= Nonprofit impact measurement
{parent=Nonprofit organization}
It is harder to measure the impact of nonprofits than of for-profits, since you can't just look at their bank balances.
This is one fundamental difficulty of nonprofit work, how to prove that you deserve the investments and not someone else.
= Professional organization
= Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
{parent=Professional organization}
= Public relations
The reason public relations is evil in modern society is because, like <#discrimination>, <public relations> works by dumb association and not logic or fairness.
If you're the son of the killer, you're fucked.
This is unlike our ideal for law which attempts, though sometimes fails, at isolating cause and effect.
= Secret society
= Prize
{parent=Social technology}
Generally, prizes that pay big lumps of money to well established individuals are a bit useless, it would be better to pay smaller sums to struggling beginners in the field, of which there are aplenty.
The most important part about prizes should not be the money, nor the recognition, but rather explaining better what the laureates did. In this, most prizes fail. Thus <Ciro Santilli>'s project idea: <Project to explain each Nobel Prize better>.
Ah, this list:
= STEM prize
= Breakthrough Prize
{parent=STEM prize}
{title2=Mathematics, Physics, Life sciences}
By <Zuckerberg>. The selection seems decent. And <natural sciences> only, which is good. A bit more application oriented than the <Nobel Prize> it seems, e.g. 2022 separates physics and fundamental physics.
Appears to explain award reasoning even worse than the <Nobel Foundation>.
= Copley Medal
{parent=STEM prize}
{title2=Royal Society}
The <Royal Society>'s <Nobel Prize>. says it is now open to international citizens, but having a quick look at the 2010 awards still suggests that it is very British centric, or at least anglophone centric, much like the society fellowship itself. That's likely the reason why the Nobel prize won, being much more international from the start.
Good background:
= Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize
{parent=STEM prize}
{title2=Life sciences}
= Fields Medal
{parent=STEM prize}
<Nobel Prize> of <Mathematics>.
= Fields Medalist
The <Nobel Prize> of <mathematics>!
That 15,000 canadian dollar prize though, what a joke!!
= Kyoto medal
{parent=STEM prize}
{title2=Technology, Science, Arts}
= Turing Award
{parent=STEM prize}
The <Nobel Prize> of <computer> <software> or <computer hardware>[hardware]!
More like a "lifetime achievement" though, rather than the Nobel Prize, which tends to be for more specific achievements.
= Millennium Technology Prize
{parent=STEM prize}
= Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize
{parent=STEM prize}
{parent=STEM prize}
{wiki=Xprize Foundation}
= Knowledge olympiad
{parent=STEM prize}
{tag=Extracurricular activity}
= Knowledge olympiads
E.g. <#International Mathematical Olympiad>, <#International Physics Olympiad>, <competitive programming>, etc.
Events that trick young kids into thinking that they are making progress, but only serve to distract them from what really matters, which is to dominate a <state of the art> as fast as possible, contact researches in the area, and publish truly <novel results>.
Financially backed by high schools trying to make ads showing how they will turn your kids into geniuses (but also passionate teachers who fell into this hellish system), or companies who hire machines rather than entrepreneurs.
The most triggering thing possible is when programming competitions don't release their benchmarks as <open source software> afterwards: at least like that they might help someone to solve their real world problems. Maybe.
On a related note, hackathons are also mostly useless. Instead of announcing a hackathon, just announce a web forum where people with similar interests can talk to one another instead, and let them code it out on <GitHub> if they want to. Restricting intensive development to a few days tends to produce crappy code and not reach real goals.
Some[irrelevant people] highlight[that knowledge Olympiads can have good effects], because they are "an opportunity to meet university teachers and their research organizations". Ciro's argument is just that there are much more efficient ways to achieve those goals.
As an alternative way to get into university, this is not 100% horrible however, e.g. the <University of São Paulo> accepted students from olympiads in 2019 and then again 2023:
= Pre-university knowledge olympiad
{parent=Knowledge olympiad}
= International Mathematical Olympiad
{parent=Pre-university knowledge olympiad}
{title=Logo of the <International Mathematical Olympiad>}
= Competitive programming
{parent=Knowledge olympiad}
A waste of time like the rest of the <knowledge olympiads>.
= Competitive programming website
{parent=Competitive programming}
= Kaggle
{parent=Competitive programming website}
To be fair, this is one of the least worse ones.
= LeetCode
{parent=Competitive programming website}
= Grinding for software interviews
{parent=Knowledge olympiad}
If your kids are about to starve, fine, do it.
But otherwise, <Ciro Santilli> will not, ever, spend his time drilling programmer competition problems to join a <company>, life is too short for that.
Life is too short for that. Companies must either notice that you can make amazing <open source software> projects or contributions, and hire you for that, or they must <fuck> off.
Companies must either notice that you can make amazing projects or contributions, and hire you for that, or they must <fuck> off.
= Weekend
{parent=Social technology}
Days of the week where you don't do what you set out to do. And yet, it is in those days that you save your sanity, and possibly the world. Wait, this sounds exactly like a week day?
{title=Calvin and Hobbes "Oh No! I overslept! I gotta get up!" cartoon}