= Robotics
= Robot
= Robot form factor
= Arm on tracks
{parent=Robot form factor}
E.g. the <Everyday Robots> robot.
= Robot simulation
= Robot simulator
{parent=Robot simulation}
= Webots
{parent=Robot simulator}
Not going to lie, this is some cool shit, robot simulation and 3D visualization in the browser.
= Realistic robotics simulation
{parent=Robot simulation}
* <OpenAI> realistic robot hand
= Robotics research entity
* Bekrys lab at <Rutgers University>
= Boston Dynamics
{parent=Robotics research entity}
= Everyday Robots
{parent=Robotics research entity}
{tag=Google subsidiary}
= Cheap robot
= Rotrics
{parent=Cheap robot}
Looks cool. That's what 1k USD gets you.
{title=Rotrics DexArm is available NOW! by <Rotrics> (2020)}
{title=Computer Vision Kit for DexArm by Rotrics (2020)}
= Actuator
= Engine
= Electric motor
= Motor
= Internal combustion engine
= Cyborg
= Cyborg insect
= Cyborg beetle
{parent=Cyborg insect}
{title=Singapore's Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insects by <Vice Media> (2018)}
By Dr. Hirotaka Sato from Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
It is a bit rough, but kind of works. Flight control is only left or right though, they don't stimulate the wings directly.
= Microbotics
{title=10 TINY Micro Robots and Nano Drones by JUST AMAZING (2020)}
* <cyborg beetle> from Hirotaka Sato
* <RoboBee>
* <Closed access academic journals are evil>[paywall]: A gyroscope-free visual-inertial flight control and wind sensing system for 10-mg robots by Fuller, Yu and Talwekar from the <University of Washington>, more precisely the Autonomous Insect Robotics Lab. TODO vs <RoboFly> also from Washington?
= RoboBee
= RoboFly
{tag=University of Washington research project}
{title=University of Washington engineers created the RoboFly by CNBC (2018)}
= Robotics software
= Drake
{disambiguate=robotics software}
{parent=Robotics software}
{tag=Simulation software}
Looks cool! <Ciro Santilli> loves <simulations>!
TRI means <Toyota Research Institute> BTW.
\Q[The Robotics team at TRI is working hard to close the gap between simulation and reality. For manipulation, one important piece is accurate simulation of rigid-body contact.]
= Robot Operating System
{parent=Robotics software}
{tag=Open source software}