TimingSimpleCPU analysis #25

Executes TimingSimpleCPU::IcachePort::ITickEvent::process().

This custom process then calls TimingSimpleCPU::completeIfetch(PacketPtr pkt), and that finally executes the very first instruction:

77000: ExecEnable: system.cpu: A0 T0 : @asm_main_after_prologue    :   movz   x0, #1, #0        : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000001  flags=(IsInteger)

The end of this instruction must be setting things up in a way that can continue the PC walk loop, and by looking at the source and traces, it is clearly from: TimingSimpleCPU::advanceInst which calls TimingSimpleCPU::fetch.

And TimingSimpleCPU::fetch is the very thing we did in this simulation at TimingSimpleCPU analysis #0!!! OMG, that’s the loop.