13.2. Secondary disk

A simpler and possibly less overhead alternative to 9P would be to generate a secondary disk image with the benchmark you want to rebuild.

Then you can umount and re-mount on guest without reboot.

To build the secondary disk image run build-disk2:


This will put the entire out_rootfs_overlay_dir into a squashfs filesystem.

Then, if that filesystem is present, ./run will automatically pass it as the second disk on the command line.

For example, from inside QEMU, you can mount that disk with:

mkdir /mnt/vdb
mount /dev/vdb /mnt/vdb

To update the secondary disk while a simulation is running to avoid rebooting, first unmount in the guest:

umount /mnt/vdb

and then on the host:

# Edit the file.
vim userland/c/hello.c

and now you can re-run the updated version of the executable on the guest after remounting it.