5.21.3. Zhihu (知乎, censored Quora clone, 审查 Quora 克隆)
The Chinese Quora clone, but highly censored: Zhihu censorship (知乎审查).
Some interesting questions not related to Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的). Ciro related questions at: Zhihu questions related to Ciro Santilli (三西猴相关的知乎问题).
https://www.zhihu.com/question/29279520/answer/110611566 "为什么有人一边支持审查制度一边还喜欢看美剧、日漫?" "Why are some people in favor of censorship, but at the same time still like to watch American series?" (archive)
Censorship in Zhihu
https://www.zhihu.com/question/23376181 "你对知乎的审查系统有何意见?" "What is your view of Zhihu’s censorship system?" (archive) "由于众所周知的原因,知乎上的文章和答案一旦涉及某些字眼,就会触发审查,其方式是让你的文字暂时仅自己可见"
https://www.zhihu.com/question/21099730 从知乎建站以来被封禁的用户都有哪些?Since Zhihu’s founding, which accounts have been blocked on the website? (archive) (archive). The top answer contains a list, and a brief explanation of why some of them were banned:
Ciro Santilli: S/O 红人 (fStack Overflow celebrity)
"ww" in explanations means "big laugh" according to: https://hinative.com/zh-CN/questions/8349706 because a single "w" means a small laugh
several accounts are linked to one specific answer or comment
other accounts are classified as often commenting on Politically sensitive (政治敏感) material
Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult)
How is it like to live with Falun Gong believers? (与法轮功信徒一起生活是一种怎样的体验?)
https://www.zhihu.com/question/27659795 (blocked as of 2020-04, archive from 2015) 家里有人练法轮功是一种怎样的体验? How is it like to live with Falun Gong believers?
Falun Gong is completely different in the West than it was in China (法轮功在西方与在中国完全不同)
https://www.zhihu.com/question/23988890 (blocked as of 2020-04, 2016-03 archive) "全能神教在境外,法轮功也在境外,为什么他们不祸害境外人民、偏偏只祸害大陆人?"Eastern Lightning exists outside of the country [China], Falun Gong exists outside of the country, so why is is that they don’t harm people in those countries, but only harm people in Mainland China?"
https://www.zhihu.com/question/370080866/answer/1046195468 "为什么中国影视作品不允许LGBT的出现?" "Why is it not allowed to show LGBT content in Chinese film and television?" (archive)
The Zhihu 404 page image. When they take the posts down as of 2020, it shows the 404 page which reads "你似乎来到了没有知识存在的荒原" (you seem to have come to a wasteland about which does does not exist any knowledge), and shows this symbol. Source.
i mage::https://web.archive.org/web/20200614114535im_/https://static.zhihu.com/heifetz/assets/liukanshan_wire.e7247fbf.svg[height=500]
The Chinese Quora clone, but highly censored: Zhihu censorship (知乎审查).
Some interesting questions not related to Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的). Ciro related questions at: Zhihu questions related to Ciro Santilli (三西猴相关的知乎问题).
https://www.zhihu.com/question/29279520/answer/110611566 "为什么有人一边支持审查制度一边还喜欢看美剧、日漫?" "Why are some people in favor of censorship, but at the same time still like to watch American series?" (archive)
Censorship in Zhihu
https://www.zhihu.com/question/23376181 "你对知乎的审查系统有何意见?" "What is your view of Zhihu’s censorship system?" (archive) "由于众所周知的原因,知乎上的文章和答案一旦涉及某些字眼,就会触发审查,其方式是让你的文字暂时仅自己可见"
https://www.zhihu.com/question/21099730 从知乎建站以来被封禁的用户都有哪些?Since Zhihu’s founding, which accounts have been blocked on the website? (archive) (archive). The top answer contains a list, and a brief explanation of why some of them were banned:
Ciro Santilli: S/O 红人 (fStack Overflow celebrity)
"ww" in explanations means "big laugh" according to: https://hinative.com/zh-CN/questions/8349706 because a single "w" means a small laugh
several accounts are linked to one specific answer or comment
other accounts are classified as often commenting on Politically sensitive (政治敏感) material
Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult)
How is it like to live with Falun Gong believers? (与法轮功信徒一起生活是一种怎样的体验?)
https://www.zhihu.com/question/27659795 (blocked as of 2020-04, archive from 2015) 家里有人练法轮功是一种怎样的体验? How is it like to live with Falun Gong believers?
Falun Gong is completely different in the West than it was in China (法轮功在西方与在中国完全不同)
https://www.zhihu.com/question/23988890 (blocked as of 2020-04, 2016-03 archive) "全能神教在境外,法轮功也在境外,为什么他们不祸害境外人民、偏偏只祸害大陆人?"Eastern Lightning exists outside of the country [China], Falun Gong exists outside of the country, so why is is that they don’t harm people in those countries, but only harm people in Mainland China?"
https://www.zhihu.com/question/370080866/answer/1046195468 "为什么中国影视作品不允许LGBT的出现?" "Why is it not allowed to show LGBT content in Chinese film and television?" (archive)
i mage::https://web.archive.org/web/20200614114535im_/https://static.zhihu.com/heifetz/assets/liukanshan_wire.e7247fbf.svg[height=500]