Li Hongzhi’s family (李洪志的家庭)
Jesus appeared to value chastity. He was born from a virgin. No sex around him at all.
Buddha gave it up after his enlightenment.
But Li doesn’t need that. He’s a God, right, he can both be an Enlightened God part time and still have a normal family part time.
Once thing Ciro approves about Li’s approach to his family is that he seems to have stated (TODO source) that none of them are Gods like him.
It is however very likely that some of his close family members will take up an even greater importance in the inner circle of power once Li dies: What will happen to Falun Gong when Li Honzhi dies? (李洪志死后,法轮功会怎样?), notably his daughter.
Wife’s name: Li Rui (李瑞 according to CCP). Report saying that a follower bought a house and registered it on Li Rui’s name as a gift, but Li later returned the gift back: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB94140245836194819 TODO house address.
daughter: Li Meige (李美歌) claims born 1982-06 on Kaiwind (pro-CCP media) http://www.kaiwind.com/anticult/kfgc/201311/05/t20131105_1188845.shtml says that she performs in Shen Yun Performing Arts (神韵艺术团, Falun Gong media) under the name "Christina Li" and even won awards. This Falun Gong sources confirm that a "Christina Li" was a Shen Yun lead dancer as of 2011, but does not confirm that she is the daughter of Li Hongzhi: https://www.theepochtimes.com/where-are-the-ancient-arts-of-china-part-4_1491935.html If this is true, talk about Different levels of truth (Orange Papers, 不同层次的真相, 橙色文件)! The article also claims that she has had other pseudonyms, including: "Annie Li" and "Li Jingjing" (李晶晶). Here are web archives of the now broken of course Shen Yun pages Kaiwand links to as evidence of her constant name changing (but no mention of her father):
possibly CCP sources report that Meige married in 2017, likely near the Falun Gong Day (13th May): e.g. http://www.saibeifeng.com/kfyd/201705/16/t20170516_5219554.shtml says many felicitation posts were posted on minghui, so this is likely widely known within the Falun Gong community, but the idiots who wrote that page don’t know how to link to sources. Ciro could not find the groom’s name.
brothers and sisters, all younger:
Li Jun (李君) older younger sister
Li Ping (李平) younger younger sister
China Daily (中国日报, CCP media) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqzx/2012-10/17/content_15825454.htm mentions that Li Jiguang (李继光), the second husband of one of Li Pingy died in 2012
Notably, Li Ping’s alleged husband Sun Senlun (Natawut Smittipong, 孙森伦) is a Chinese-Thai, and allegedly wrote an account of Li Hongzhi’s family in the 1980’s: Diaries of being in Thailand with Li Hongzhi’s family (我与李洪志一家在泰国的日子——法轮功教主妹夫的自述)
The book also claims that they had two children Sun Baoyuan (孙宝圆) and Sun Baoman (孙宝满), which Li later managed to rename Li Baoyuan (李宝圆) and Li Baoman (李宝满).
Shen Yun Performing Arts (神韵艺术团, Falun Gong media) had dancers called with those exact same Chinese character names between 2009 and 2020, so it is very likely that it is them:
Li Hui (AKA Li Donghui) younger brother
father: Li Dan
mother: Lu Shuzhen. http://wap.uuhomepage.com/StaticWapPages/20161013/20161013062741097.html claims that she died on 2016-08-24 in New York. TODO find a decent report.
There are also claims that Li’s birth name was Li Lai (李來).
The Religion of Falun Gong by Benjamin Penny (2012) gives further family members (some of them are based only on CCP sources however):
https://kknews.cc/zh-hk/news/bbmz49.html on kknews (pro-CCP media) claims to contain the biography of Li Hongzhi’s family (likely all according to CCP sources), including several good pictures: The photo given there for Li Jun appears on this apparently FLG source without mention of the name: https://www.epochweekly.com/b5/103/5805.htm
Figure 137. Li Hongzhi with his wife Li Rui and daughter Li Meige presumably in the late 80’s with fishing ships in a shipyard in the background. TODO location. Likely from CCP sources, in many places with kaiwnd watermarks. Anti-FLG source.
Figure 138. Photo of Christina Li from Shen Yun, which the CCP claims to be Li Meige, daughter of Li Hongzhi. That page also claims that she was awarded Bronze in the 2009 and 2010 NDT Chinese Dance Competition. Source.
Jesus appeared to value chastity. He was born from a virgin. No sex around him at all.
Buddha gave it up after his enlightenment.
But Li doesn’t need that. He’s a God, right, he can both be an Enlightened God part time and still have a normal family part time.
Once thing Ciro approves about Li’s approach to his family is that he seems to have stated (TODO source) that none of them are Gods like him.
It is however very likely that some of his close family members will take up an even greater importance in the inner circle of power once Li dies: What will happen to Falun Gong when Li Honzhi dies? (李洪志死后,法轮功会怎样?), notably his daughter.
Wife’s name: Li Rui (李瑞 according to CCP). Report saying that a follower bought a house and registered it on Li Rui’s name as a gift, but Li later returned the gift back: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB94140245836194819 TODO house address.
daughter: Li Meige (李美歌) claims born 1982-06 on Kaiwind (pro-CCP media) http://www.kaiwind.com/anticult/kfgc/201311/05/t20131105_1188845.shtml says that she performs in Shen Yun Performing Arts (神韵艺术团, Falun Gong media) under the name "Christina Li" and even won awards. This Falun Gong sources confirm that a "Christina Li" was a Shen Yun lead dancer as of 2011, but does not confirm that she is the daughter of Li Hongzhi: https://www.theepochtimes.com/where-are-the-ancient-arts-of-china-part-4_1491935.html If this is true, talk about Different levels of truth (Orange Papers, 不同层次的真相, 橙色文件)! The article also claims that she has had other pseudonyms, including: "Annie Li" and "Li Jingjing" (李晶晶). Here are web archives of the now broken of course Shen Yun pages Kaiwand links to as evidence of her constant name changing (but no mention of her father):
possibly CCP sources report that Meige married in 2017, likely near the Falun Gong Day (13th May): e.g. http://www.saibeifeng.com/kfyd/201705/16/t20170516_5219554.shtml says many felicitation posts were posted on minghui, so this is likely widely known within the Falun Gong community, but the idiots who wrote that page don’t know how to link to sources. Ciro could not find the groom’s name.
brothers and sisters, all younger:
Li Jun (李君) older younger sister
Li Ping (李平) younger younger sister
China Daily (中国日报, CCP media) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqzx/2012-10/17/content_15825454.htm mentions that Li Jiguang (李继光), the second husband of one of Li Pingy died in 2012
Notably, Li Ping’s alleged husband Sun Senlun (Natawut Smittipong, 孙森伦) is a Chinese-Thai, and allegedly wrote an account of Li Hongzhi’s family in the 1980’s: Diaries of being in Thailand with Li Hongzhi’s family (我与李洪志一家在泰国的日子——法轮功教主妹夫的自述)
The book also claims that they had two children Sun Baoyuan (孙宝圆) and Sun Baoman (孙宝满), which Li later managed to rename Li Baoyuan (李宝圆) and Li Baoman (李宝满).
Shen Yun Performing Arts (神韵艺术团, Falun Gong media) had dancers called with those exact same Chinese character names between 2009 and 2020, so it is very likely that it is them:
Li Hui (AKA Li Donghui) younger brother
father: Li Dan
mother: Lu Shuzhen. http://wap.uuhomepage.com/StaticWapPages/20161013/20161013062741097.html claims that she died on 2016-08-24 in New York. TODO find a decent report.
There are also claims that Li’s birth name was Li Lai (李來).
The Religion of Falun Gong by Benjamin Penny (2012) gives further family members (some of them are based only on CCP sources however):
https://kknews.cc/zh-hk/news/bbmz49.html on kknews (pro-CCP media) claims to contain the biography of Li Hongzhi’s family (likely all according to CCP sources), including several good pictures: The photo given there for Li Jun appears on this apparently FLG source without mention of the name: https://www.epochweekly.com/b5/103/5805.htm