Hao Haidong (郝海东, 2020, soccer player)
Hao is widely considered one of the best Chinese soccer players of all time, and he was the top scorer for the Chinese national team of all time as of 2020, and one of the only two Chinese to show on IFFHS Legends page which as of 2020 contains only 52 players including the likes of Pelé and Maradona.
He participated in the 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cup (世界杯) qualifiers, and therefore also at the 2002 FIFA World Cup proper held in South Korea and Japan, which is the only World Cup China classified for as of 2020, and in which it failed to score a single goal.
On 2020-06-03, one day before Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (六四事件) anniversary, Hao appeared with his wife Ye Zhaoying (叶钊颖, married 2019), who was also a badmington star, on Guo Wengui (郭文贵, rich dude)'s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4aN5h0RqD8&t=4496, and spoke up against the CCP:
As a result, his son Hao Runze (郝润泽, from a previous marriage) who is also a soccer player and had nothing to do with it was also sacked from the Serbian club Radnicki Nis in which he played one week later due to pressure from China: https://www.scmp.com/sport/football/article/3088385/hao-haidongs-son-sacked-serbian-club-radnicki-nis-after-pressure The wiki page says that https://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2020&mm=06&dd=09&nav_id=1693254 says the team says it was just a coincidence and that his contract had ended.
The most interesting thing about all of this, is how Hao’s name was completely nuked form the Chinese Internet, making this a fantastic opportunity to unambiguously document a censorship event. One is reminded of:
Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (1984, 乔治·奥威尔 一九八四, 1949) "Every record has been destroyed or falsified" quote
The keyword is clear: iconoclasm (破坏偶像主义)
Some examples:
Baidu Baike: Baidu Baike censorship of Hao Haidong (百度百科审查郝海东)
People’s Daily (人民日报, CCP media)
down as of 2020-06-14
2016-03-01 http://m.people.cn/%2Fn4%2F2016%2F0301%2Fc1807-6348778.html 媒曝克罗地亚劲旅签郝海东之子 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1elR0wSiJPIJ:m.people.cn/%252Fn4%252F2016%252F0301%252Fc1807-6348778.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu
2016-01-27 IFFHS评选世界足坛48大传奇 郝海东孙继海入围 http://fj.people.cn/n2/2016/0127/c364151-27639502.html https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:snlknobl8UMJ:fj.people.cn/n2/2016/0127/c364151-27639502.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu
but they forgot to search and remove from the older versions of website, newbs:
2003-03-21 http://www.people.cn/GB/channel2/507/4897/4898/4907/200303/21/142115.html 三后卫改四后卫 申花看防郝海东不遗余力
2003-03-17 http://www.people.cn/GB/channel23/853/854/200303/17/141331.html 僵尸王:恐郝不是恐中
2001-09-14 http://www.people.cn/digest/200107/14/tt0901401.html 甲A联赛大连队止住连胜势头
2001-02-21 http://www.people.cn/digest/200102/23/tt022310.html 米卢评点中国足球四大前锋
Online reactions:
https://pincong.rocks/article/19974 "郝海东这个事情,让你匪进退两难" on Pincong (品葱, uncensored forum)
Listings of the 2002 squad:
https://www.gettyimages.ae/detail/news-photo/china-line-up-for-a-team-photo-13-june-2002-at-the-seoul-news-photo/51528311 is the best photo available, clearly showing Hao first on top left, and https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/the-china-team-line-up-before-the-fifa-2002-world-cup-news-photo/969574 from the qualifiers with Hao on top right
http://www.qiuball.com/zgzq/21354.html (archive) Contains squad photo with Hao on top left.
Google bomb at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/111
Random info about Haidong:
2017 Haidong playing foot volley with Nadal with a tennis ball for a minute: ;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEUwQdynbh8 in 2017. A photo: https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/spanish-tennis-player-rafael-nadal-attends-a-charity-match-news-photo/856091560 https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/spanish-tennis-player-rafael-nadal-attends-a-charity-match-news-photo/856091560 contains an image of the event, and Nadal holds what seems to be a soccer video game featuring Haidong on the cover.
Figure 234. Hao Haidong (in white) playing for the China national team against the Hong Kong’s national team in a World Cup Asian zone qualifying match at Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground in 2004. Request for James Fridman to remove Haidong from the picture in reference to Censorship of images in the Soviet Union (苏联对图像的审查): https://twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1308670186640289792. Photo by: South China Morning Post (SCMP, 南华早报). Source.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgSwRwFBNFA Hao Haidong’s top 10 goals, all with CCTV 5 watermark :-)
Hao is widely considered one of the best Chinese soccer players of all time, and he was the top scorer for the Chinese national team of all time as of 2020, and one of the only two Chinese to show on IFFHS Legends page which as of 2020 contains only 52 players including the likes of Pelé and Maradona.
He participated in the 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cup (世界杯) qualifiers, and therefore also at the 2002 FIFA World Cup proper held in South Korea and Japan, which is the only World Cup China classified for as of 2020, and in which it failed to score a single goal.
On 2020-06-03, one day before Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (六四事件) anniversary, Hao appeared with his wife Ye Zhaoying (叶钊颖, married 2019), who was also a badmington star, on Guo Wengui (郭文贵, rich dude)'s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4aN5h0RqD8&t=4496, and spoke up against the CCP:
As a result, his son Hao Runze (郝润泽, from a previous marriage) who is also a soccer player and had nothing to do with it was also sacked from the Serbian club Radnicki Nis in which he played one week later due to pressure from China: https://www.scmp.com/sport/football/article/3088385/hao-haidongs-son-sacked-serbian-club-radnicki-nis-after-pressure The wiki page says that https://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2020&mm=06&dd=09&nav_id=1693254 says the team says it was just a coincidence and that his contract had ended.
The most interesting thing about all of this, is how Hao’s name was completely nuked form the Chinese Internet, making this a fantastic opportunity to unambiguously document a censorship event. One is reminded of:
Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (1984, 乔治·奥威尔 一九八四, 1949) "Every record has been destroyed or falsified" quote
The keyword is clear: iconoclasm (破坏偶像主义)
Some examples:
Baidu Baike: Baidu Baike censorship of Hao Haidong (百度百科审查郝海东)
People’s Daily (人民日报, CCP media)
down as of 2020-06-14
2016-03-01 http://m.people.cn/%2Fn4%2F2016%2F0301%2Fc1807-6348778.html 媒曝克罗地亚劲旅签郝海东之子 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1elR0wSiJPIJ:m.people.cn/%252Fn4%252F2016%252F0301%252Fc1807-6348778.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu
2016-01-27 IFFHS评选世界足坛48大传奇 郝海东孙继海入围 http://fj.people.cn/n2/2016/0127/c364151-27639502.html https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:snlknobl8UMJ:fj.people.cn/n2/2016/0127/c364151-27639502.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu
but they forgot to search and remove from the older versions of website, newbs:
2003-03-21 http://www.people.cn/GB/channel2/507/4897/4898/4907/200303/21/142115.html 三后卫改四后卫 申花看防郝海东不遗余力
2003-03-17 http://www.people.cn/GB/channel23/853/854/200303/17/141331.html 僵尸王:恐郝不是恐中
2001-09-14 http://www.people.cn/digest/200107/14/tt0901401.html 甲A联赛大连队止住连胜势头
2001-02-21 http://www.people.cn/digest/200102/23/tt022310.html 米卢评点中国足球四大前锋
Online reactions:
https://pincong.rocks/article/19974 "郝海东这个事情,让你匪进退两难" on Pincong (品葱, uncensored forum)
Listings of the 2002 squad:
https://www.gettyimages.ae/detail/news-photo/china-line-up-for-a-team-photo-13-june-2002-at-the-seoul-news-photo/51528311 is the best photo available, clearly showing Hao first on top left, and https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/the-china-team-line-up-before-the-fifa-2002-world-cup-news-photo/969574 from the qualifiers with Hao on top right
http://www.qiuball.com/zgzq/21354.html (archive) Contains squad photo with Hao on top left.
Google bomb at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/111
Random info about Haidong:
2017 Haidong playing foot volley with Nadal with a tennis ball for a minute: ;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEUwQdynbh8 in 2017. A photo: https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/spanish-tennis-player-rafael-nadal-attends-a-charity-match-news-photo/856091560 https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/spanish-tennis-player-rafael-nadal-attends-a-charity-match-news-photo/856091560 contains an image of the event, and Nadal holds what seems to be a soccer video game featuring Haidong on the cover.