China Digital Times (CDT, 中国数字时代, USA government media)
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-funded as mentioned e.g. at: https://www.ned.org/china-digital-times-provides-crucial-insight-and-information-about-china-and-the-covid-19/
They have some amazing anti-CCP content, notably:
Grass-mud-horse Index, mentioned at: Where can I find good words for a keyword attack? (我在哪里可以找到关键字攻击的好词?)
as of 2021, their Chinese content is not well unified with the English one, and is much better, e.g.:
https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/chronicle-of-major-events list of major events
A scraped mirror of CDT was created on GitHub pages by Tang Wenzheng from Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo (Fuck学习强国) is present at:
https://github.com/china-digital-times/china-digital-times.github.io JavaScript SPA that reads data from the data repository, which is stored as JSON (JAMstack)
First commit Jun 30, 2019. The first article is from 2010, so maybe it did scrape everything. It appears to be automatically updated daily. The images seem to be re-uploaded to https://statically.io/, e.g. https://china-digital-times.github.io/?/id/664606 contains https://cdn.statically.io/gh/china-digital-times/files/master/2021/04/image-1617989397104.png which just fetches from GitHub automatically: https://github.com/china-digital-times/files/blob/master/2021/04/image-1617989397104.png while the original article https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/664606.html stores images locally: https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/files/2021/04/image-1617989397104.png. This approach is more censorship resistant, since all images are under a single domain, so takedown would require a full statically domain takedown, which would break other things. Although CDN blocks are not unheard of, e.g. as mentioned at: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china.