To be walled off (被墙)
https://www.sohu.com/a/424350505_134152 什么叫被墙了?域名被墙和被污染的区别有哪些 (What is it to be walled? What’s the difference between a domain name being walled and being polluted?) on Sohu (搜狐, smaller Chinese Google)
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/359929520 你是否还在为域名被墙了闹心? (Are you still worried about your domain name being walled? TODO Google translate. Where is the "your" part?? Can’t understand this grammar.)
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/129812475 域名被墙 (domain named was walled) on Zhihu (知乎, censored Quora clone, 审查 Quora 克隆)
https://www.sohu.com/a/424350505_134152 什么叫被墙了?域名被墙和被污染的区别有哪些 (What is it to be walled? What’s the difference between a domain name being walled and being polluted?) on Sohu (搜狐, smaller Chinese Google)
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/359929520 你是否还在为域名被墙了闹心? (Are you still worried about your domain name being walled? TODO Google translate. Where is the "your" part?? Can’t understand this grammar.)
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/129812475 域名被墙 (domain named was walled) on Zhihu (知乎, censored Quora clone, 审查 Quora 克隆)