1. About (关于)
This repo has the following goals:
allow copy pasting links to answers to questions/comments that have been posted a million times before by Wumao (五毛), mostly under: FAQ (常见问答集). This was the original goal.
serve as a censorship bomb to block GitHub in China: Screen name keyword attack (网名审查关键字攻击) to destroy the Great Firewall (GFW, 防火长城) and therefore the CCP. Or more realistically get added to the GitHub gov-takedowns (由其各自政府在某个国家审查的仓库的GitHub官方列表) hall of fame.
be a fun and sometimes silly source of Chinese mostly anti-CCP culture like a better Unencyclopedia / Encyclopedia Dramatica without the stupid stereotype jokes. Just quickly browse the pictures with Ctrl + F "Figure" and have fun.
serve as a place where people can post interesting related stuff in the issues: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues see also: I want to take my chances and make a shitpost in cirosantilli/china-dictatorship (屎帖子)
highlight positive about China’s culture outside of its shitty government, such as food and Chinese Music (中国音乐). This has two goals:
teach foreigners (maybe even Chinese people on certain points) about amazing Chinese things that they can consume
show wumaos that Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) is not as clueless about China as they think