23.9.1. QEMU -d tracing

QEMU also has a second trace mechanism in addition to -trace, find out the events with:

./run -- -d help

Let’s pick the one that dumps executed instructions, in_asm:

./run --eval './linux/poweroff.out' -- -D out/trace.txt -d in_asm
less out/trace.txt

Sample output excerpt:

0xfffffff0:  ea 5b e0 00 f0           ljmpw    $0xf000:$0xe05b

0x000fe05b:  2e 66 83 3e 88 61 00     cmpl     $0, %cs:0x6188
0x000fe062:  0f 85 7b f0              jne      0xd0e1

TODO: after IN:, symbol names are meant to show, which is awesome, but I don’t get any. I do see them however when running a bare metal example from: https://github.com/cirosantilli/newlib-examples/tree/900a9725947b1f375323c7da54f69e8049158881

TODO: what is the point of having two mechanisms, -trace and -d? -d tracing is cool because it does not require a messy recompile, and it can also show symbols.