nostartfiles programs

Assembly examples under nostartfiles directories can use the standard library, but they don’t use the pre-main boilerplate and start directly at our explicitly given _start:

I’m not sure how much stdlib functionality is supposed to work without the pre-main stuff, but I guess we’ll just have to find out!

Was going to ask the following markdown question, but I noticed half way that:

  • without -static, I see a bunch of dynamic loader instructions, so not much is gained

  • with -static, the program segfaults, including on the host with stack:

    #0  0x0000000000429625 in _IO_cleanup ()
    #1  0x0000000000400c72 in __run_exit_handlers ()
    #2  0x0000000000400caa in exit ()
    #3  0x0000000000400a01 in _start () at exit.S:4

so I didn’t really have a good question.

The Markdown question that was almost asked:

When working in emulators, I often want to keep my workloads as small as possible to more easily study instruction traces and reproduce bugs.

One of the ways I often want to do that, especially when doing [user mode simulations](https://wiki.debian.org/QemuUserEmulation), is by not running [the code that normally runs before main](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53570678/what-happens-before-main-in-c) so that I can start directly in the instructions of interest that I control myself, which can be achieved with the `gcc -nostartfiles` option and by starting the program directly at `_start`.

Here is a tiny example that calls just `exit` from the C standard library:

global _start

_start: mov $0, %rdi call exit

Compile and run with:

gcc -ggdb3 -nostartfiles -static -o exit.out exit.S qemu-x86_64 -d in_asm exit.out

However, for programming convenience, and to potentially keep my examples more OS portable, I would like to avoid making raw system calls, which would of course work, by using C standard library functions instead.

But I'm afraid that some of those C standard library functions will fail in subtle ways because I have skipped required initialization steps that would normally happen before `main`.

Is it any easy to determine which functions I can use or not, in case there are any that I can't use?