m5ops instructions interface

Let’s study how the gem5 m5 executable uses them:

We notice that there are two different implementations for each arch:

  • magic instructions, which don’t exist in the corresponding arch

  • magic memory addresses on a given page: m5ops magic addresses

Then, in aarch64 magic instructions for example, the lines:

.macro  m5op_func, name, func, subfunc
        .globl \name
        .long 0xff000110 | (\func << 16) | (\subfunc << 12)

define a simple function function for each m5op. Here we see that:

  • 0xff000110 is a base mask for the magic non-existing instruction

  • \func and \subfunc are OR-applied on top of the base mask, and define m5op this is.

    Those values will loop over the magic constants defined in m5ops.h with the deferred preprocessor idiom.

    For example, exit is 0x21 due to:

    #define M5OP_EXIT               0x21

Finally, m5.c calls the defined functions as in:


Therefore, the runtime "argument" that gets passed to the instruction, e.g. the delay in ticks until the exit for m5 exit, gets passed directly through the aarch64 calling convention.

Keep in mind that for all archs, m5.c does the calls with 64-bit integers:

uint64_t ints[2] = {0,0};
parse_int_args(argc, argv, ints, argc);
m5_fail(ints[1], ints[0]);

Therefore, for example:

  • aarch64 uses x0 for the first argument and x1 for the second, since each is 64 bits log already

  • arm uses r0 and r1 for the first argument, and r2 and r3 for the second, since each register is only 32 bits long

That convention specifies that x0 to x7 contain the function arguments, so x0 contains the first argument, and x1 the second.

In our m5ops example, we just hardcode everything in the assembly one-liners we are producing.

We ignore the \subfunc since it is always 0 on the ops that interest us.