7.2. Run command at the end of BusyBox init

Use the --eval-after option is for you rely on something that BusyBox' init set up for you like /etc/fstab:

./run --eval-after 'echo asdf;ls /proc;ls /sys;echo qwer'

After the commands run, you are left on an interactive shell.

The above command is basically equivalent to:

./run --kernel-cli-after-dash 'lkmc_eval="insmod hello.ko;./linux/poweroff.out;"'

where the lkmc_eval option gets evaled by our default rootfs_overlay/etc/init.d/S98 startup script.

Except that --eval-after is smarter and uses base64 encoding.

Alternatively, you can also add the comamdns to run to a new init.d entry to run at the end o the BusyBox init:

cp rootfs_overlay/etc/init.d/S98 rootfs_overlay/etc/init.d/S99.gitignore
vim rootfs_overlay/etc/init.d/S99.gitignore

and they will be run automatically before the login prompt.

Scripts under /etc/init.d are run by /etc/init.d/rcS, which gets called by the line ::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS in /etc/inittab.