14.3.1. Graphic mode gem5 aarch64

For aarch64 we also need to configure the kernel with linux_config/display:

git -C "$(./getvar linux_source_dir)" fetch https://gem5.googlesource.com/arm/linux gem5/v4.15:gem5/v4.15
git -C "$(./getvar linux_source_dir)" checkout gem5/v4.15
./build-linux \
  --arch aarch64 \
  --config-fragment linux_config/display \
  --custom-config-file-gem5 \
  --linux-build-id gem5-v4.15 \
git -C "$(./getvar linux_source_dir)" checkout -
./run --arch aarch64 --emulator gem5 --linux-build-id gem5-v4.15

This is because the gem5 aarch64 defconfig does not enable HDLCD like the 32 bit one arm one for some reason.