11.7. gem5 syscall emulation mode

Less robust than QEMU’s, but still usable:

There are much more unimplemented syscalls in gem5 than in QEMU. Many of those are trivial to implement however.

So let’s just play with some static ones:

./build-userland --arch aarch64
./run \
  --arch aarch64 \
  --emulator gem5 \
  --userland userland/c/command_line_arguments.c \
  --cli-args 'asdf "qw er"' \

TODO: how to escape spaces on the command line arguments?

GDB step debug also works normally on gem5:

./run \
  --arch aarch64 \
  --emulator gem5 \
  --gdb-wait \
  --userland userland/c/command_line_arguments.c \
  --cli-args 'asdf "qw er"' \
./run-gdb \
  --arch aarch64 \
  --emulator gem5 \
  --userland userland/c/command_line_arguments.c \
  main \