GDB step debug userland non-init without --gdb-wait

TODO: if I try GDB step debug userland non-init without --gdb-wait and the break main that we do inside ./run-gdb says:

Cannot access memory at address 0x10604

and then GDB never breaks. Tested at ac8663a44a450c3eadafe14031186813f90c21e4 + 1.

The exact behaviour seems to depend on the architecture:

  • arm: happens always

  • x86_64: appears to happen only if you try to connect GDB as fast as possible, before init has been reached.

  • aarch64: could not observe the problem

We have also double checked the address with:

./run-toolchain --arch arm readelf -- \
  -s "$(./getvar --arch arm userland_build_dir)/linux/myinsmod.out" | \
  grep main

and from GDB:

info line main

and both give:


which is just 8 bytes before 0x10604.

gdbserver also says 0x10604.

However, if do a Ctrl-C in GDB, and then a direct:

b *0x000105fc

it works. Why?!

On GEM5, x86 can also give the Cannot access memory at address, so maybe it is also unreliable on QEMU, and works just by coincidence.