3.2. GDB step debug kernel post-boot

Let’s observe the kernel write system call as it reacts to some userland actions.

Start QEMU with just:


and after boot inside a shell run:


which counts to infinity to stdout. Source: rootfs_overlay/lkmc/count.sh.

Then in another shell, run:


and then hit:

break __x64_sys_write

And you now control the counting on the first shell from GDB!

Before v4.17, the symbol name was just sys_write, the change happened at d5a00528b58cdb2c71206e18bd021e34c4eab878. As of Linux v 4.19, the function is called sys_write in arm, and __arm64_sys_write in aarch64. One good way to find it if the name changes again is to try:

rbreak .*sys_write

or just have a quick look at the sources!

When you hit Ctrl-C, if we happen to be inside kernel code at that point, which is very likely if there are no heavy background tasks waiting, and we are just waiting on a sleep type system call of the command prompt, we can already see the source for the random place inside the kernel where we stopped.