BusyBox shell initrc files

Login shells source some default files, notably:


We provide /.profile from rootfs_overlay/.profile, and use the default BusyBox /etc/profile.

The shell knows that it is a login shell if the first character of argv[0] is -, see also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050961/is-argv0-name-of-executable-an-accepted-standard-or-just-a-common-conventi/42291142#42291142

When we use just init=/bin/sh, the Linux kernel sets argv[0] to /bin/sh, which does not start with -.

However, if you use ::respawn:-/bin/sh on inttab described at TTY, BusyBox' init sets argv[0][0] to -, and so does getty. This can be observed with:

cat /proc/$$/cmdline