5.16. What should all pro-democracy people do about China? (所有的民主派人士应该干什么?)
A propaganda slogan from a French Resistance (法国抵抗运动) flyer (see also Comparisons between the CCP and Nazi Germany (纳粹德国和中共长得很想)):
To obey is to betray.
To disobey is to serve.
Obéir c’est trahir.
Désobéir c’est servir.
Figure 65. To obey is to betray. To disobey is to server ("Obéir c’est trahir. Désobéir c’est servir" in French) flyer featuring the cross of Lorraine (洛林十字). Snowden (斯诺登) comes to mind. Source.
A propaganda slogan from a French Resistance (法国抵抗运动) flyer (see also Comparisons between the CCP and Nazi Germany (纳粹德国和中共长得很想)):
To obey is to betray.
To disobey is to serve.服从就是背叛
违抗就是服务Obéir c’est trahir.
Désobéir c’est servir.

Figure 65. To obey is to betray. To disobey is to server ("Obéir c’est trahir. Désobéir c’est servir" in French) flyer featuring the cross of Lorraine (洛林十字). Snowden (斯诺登) comes to mind. Source.