The Governance of China (习近平谈治国理政)
Figure 175. Devotional image of Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) on the cover of the The Governance of China (习近平谈治国理政, 2020) book which is part of Xi Jinping Thought (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想, 2017). The similarity to Li Hongzhi (李洪志, LHZ, Falun Gong prophet) devotional images is striking. Related: Xi Jinping with a Halo edited in to make the obvious more obvious. The texts reads "习近平思想" (Xi Jinping Thought). Watermark reads "Gucci Minh @Laborwave", so presumably from https://www.instagram.com/laborwavedesigns/, but I didn’t have the patience to find the picture, but it very likey comes from there, a ton of great communist memes in that account. Source.. Source.

Figure 175. Devotional image of Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!) on the cover of the The Governance of China (习近平谈治国理政, 2020) book which is part of Xi Jinping Thought (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想, 2017). The similarity to Li Hongzhi (李洪志, LHZ, Falun Gong prophet) devotional images is striking. Related: Xi Jinping with a Halo edited in to make the obvious more obvious. The texts reads "习近平思想" (Xi Jinping Thought). Watermark reads "Gucci Minh @Laborwave", so presumably from https://www.instagram.com/laborwavedesigns/, but I didn’t have the patience to find the picture, but it very likey comes from there, a ton of great communist memes in that account. Source.. Source.