21.1.1. Rebel Pepper (变态辣椒, RFA cartoonist)

Real name: Wang Liming (王立铭)

Personal media:

Without a doubt, the greatest anti-Communist joke cartoonist of the 2010s.

As of 2019 he does work for Radio Free Asia (RFA, 自由亚洲电台, USA government media), so a possible list of all cartoons of this era can be found at: https://www.rfa.org/english/cartoons/story_archive

His best work can be found scattered throughout this document in the relevant sections.

Rebel pepper
Figure 238. Rebel Pepper’s self portrait as a perverted pepper (the literal translation of his Chinese name "变态辣椒") used in his Sina and Tencent (腾讯, Tengxun, WeChat owner) accounts before those got deleted according to the BBC. Source.