One China policy (一个中国)

Taiwan is a completely separate country split due to civil war, long ago.

Almost every country, and all reasonably powerful countries, have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. They just don’t call them diplomatic relations to not piss off China so they can keep doing business.

The fact that most countries in the world does officially recognize Taiwan as a country is a joke, considering that the only thing keeping it afloat is the West’s military threat.

The West must not let China advance and take more territories. The more they take, the more they will want.

The West must protect China’s neighboring countries with military support and assurance.

The West must recognize Taiwan for what it is: a separate country, under threat of invasion, and in need of support.

If China’s claim to Taiwan is valid, then Taiwan also has an equally valid claim on China.

If China’s claim to Taiwan is valid, then so will its claim to any other country.

China, if you want to claim that Taiwan is a part of you, just grow some balls and invade them already. Or just stop this stupid joke.

Taiwan’s Status Is a Geopolitical Absurdity

polite fiction

A well educated Mainlander who lived outside of China once told Ciro:

Taiwan should not be considered a country by China, because then it would not join back to China when China becomes a democracy, and would be used by the USA to do evil things as they did in the Middle East

Ciro was shocked. He considered that person highly intelligent and not fully brainwashed! Reply:

China claiming that Taiwan is a part of them only drives Taiwan closer to the West! Who wants to be part of a dictatorship unless you have been brainwashed by one?

The US first caved in in 1972 with the Shanghai Communiqué.



Flag of the Republic of China
Figure 85. The flag of Taiwan. Like most modern countries, Taiwan has one. Source.
Taiwan White House
Figure 86. Presidential Office Building of Taiwan (總統府_(臺灣) | 总统府 (台湾)). What is that flag we see on top of the central government building of Taiwan? It appears to have a blue rectangle on the top left! Source.
Countries that recognize Taiwan
Figure 87. It is fun to see that some small random Latin American countries like Paraguay recognize only Taiwan and not Mainland China. Brave warriors!!! Source.
TECRO Washington
Figure 88. Washington DC TECRO. Instead of "embassies", Taiwan has "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices" (TECROs) (台北经济文化代表处|臺北經濟文化代表處) in 2013. The just happen to issue VISAs and passports like embassies, but remember, they are not embassies. No flag you see? This is because idiotic countries don’t allow TECROs to have the Taiwan flag. In 2019 Senator Ted Cruz planned on passing a law to allow that though: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3825086. Source.
Taiwan we are China cartoon
Figure 89. 2014 cartoon by D Nguyen summarizing the Taiwan China relationship in history. Featuring: fatter and fatter Mao Zedong (毛泽东, 1954–1976) on first three cartoons to the left, likely Deng Xiaoping (邓小平, 1982-1987) to left on the last, and Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石, 蔣中正) to the right. TODO middle figure on last cartoon. TODO find proper attribution source, originally seen at: https://i.redd.it/xb5qr3asfns41.jpg.
China Taiwan reunification flag
Figure 90. Proposed reunification flag for Taiwan and China. Source.
West Taiwan map
Figure 91. West Taiwan (西台湾), also known as Mainland Taiwan (台湾大陆), also known as China. Not to be confused with Western Taiwan (台湾西部), which is a region of Taiwan. Source.