43. Military dictatorship in Brazil (巴西军事独裁, 1964-1985)

Created with the help of…​ the United States (美国), while fighting the Cold War to prevent the spread of Communism. Fear is the mind killer, and the Cold War served as an excuse for many atrocities, notably in the Middle East (中东):

One of Ciro’s favorite stories about the dictatorship is how cake recipes or classical Luís_de_Camões (1524-1580) poetry were introduced in newspapers to replace news that had been censored in the last minute:

Who would have thought that even the limiting and ancient limitations of pagination would have their usefulness!!! Today’s Chinese censors have it easy, as they can just remove the stuff and that damned HTML reflow automatically to fit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXF-9GtHsek "These photos sparked a Cold War propaganda feud" by Vox (2021). CCP you should learn from this Brazillian magazine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RhKTzVVDno Apesar de Você (In spite of you [the Dictatorship])] by Chico Buarque (1970) with English and Spanish subtitles. That video unfortunately mixes anti-dictatorship and anti-Bolsonaro (2020) imagery. A video with better epoch image but no English subtitles can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33-bMTOlvx0. This is one of the many anti-Brazilian-dictatorship songs of the time, and Ciro really enjoys it. Lyrics with translation. Top quotes: "You [the dictatorship] who invented this State, who invented sin, forgot to invent forgiveness." and "Where will you hide, from the enormous euphoria [of a revolution]? How will you prohibit it when the rooster insists in singing?". Slideshows with that song have been made for several events, e.g. the Syrian civil war, and Ciro would like to do a China-themed one as well one day.
Os problemas da imprensa livre
Figure 304. Jornal da Tarde (Afternoon Newspaper) issue entitled on top "Os problemas da imprensa livre nas Américas" (The problems of the Free Press), followed by small rectangles with coverage of several countries such as the USA, Cuba, and others, but not Brazil. The bottom half of the page however hilariously contains recipes for "Doces" (Sweets) and "Salgados" (Salted dishes, especially Hors d’oeuvre), instead of the presumed coverage about Brazil. Possibly dated 1973 based on the top of the image. Source.
O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper censorship Lusiadas 1974
Figure 305. 1974 edition of the nespaper O Estado de Sao Paulo with a copy of some verses of Os Lusíadas in the middle of the front page, replacing material that was censored on the last minute. Os Lusiadas was written in 1572 and the most important epic poem of the Portuguese language. It is also of course completely irrelevant to anything to do with modern politics of the 1970’s. Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) believes however that a related phenomena happens in China in the early 21st century: there is an incredible number of period dramas in Chinese television and cinema. Ciro believes that this is in part because it would be much harder to offend the CCP censors with this kind of old source material. Of course, the effect is that Dictatorships are bad for the arts (独裁统治对艺术不好). Source.