Jingjing and Chacha (警警察察)
Friendly looking mascots of Internet Censorship in China created by the Shenzhen Government in 2006.
https://youtu.be/ZB8ODpw_om8?t=583 "Roger Dingledine - The Tor Censorship Arms Race The Next Chapter - DEF CON 27 Conference" mentions that choosing friendly looking mascots for internet censorship is a comon practice in several dictatorships, so to suggest that they are just protecting citizens, These show the cute UAE censorship page for example:
The images were removed from Wikipedia presumably due to fair use concerns, so Ciro asked how to check that at: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/137977/how-to-check-why-a-fair-use-image-was-removed-from-wikipedia After understanding the case, Ciro reuploaded the images, hopefully for good.
Figure 254. Jinjing (警警) is the male cop. Source.
Figure 255. Chacha (警警) is the female cop. Source.
Figure 256. Jingjing and Chacha picture shown on the street, presumably in China. Source.
Figure 257. Image with Jingjing and Chacha together and explanations (深圳网络警察,Shenzhen Network Police), good for copy pasting. TODO a bit small. Source..
Figure 258. Beijing version of the Shenzhen-created Jingjing and Chacha. TODO what does it say on the images? On car "XX网络110" (XX Internet 110) so it must be the phone number of the Internet police department. At bottom right something like (联合新作, joint XX), so likely means it is a joint action between two departments. Source.
Figure 259. Angry Chinese cop cartoons extracted from Encyclopedia Dramatica with the racist subtitles removed. It is hard to be sure what is the original image that they were Photoshopped from, but they are very similar to the Beijing Jingjing and Chacha although this is not a direct copy paste of the above since several details differ. The image was uploaded in 2011 to ED. Source.
Figure 260. The Qatar friendly censorship page likely from around 2011 sowing that China is not alone in this "cute censorship mascots" technique. Source.
Friendly looking mascots of Internet Censorship in China created by the Shenzhen Government in 2006.
https://youtu.be/ZB8ODpw_om8?t=583 "Roger Dingledine - The Tor Censorship Arms Race The Next Chapter - DEF CON 27 Conference" mentions that choosing friendly looking mascots for internet censorship is a comon practice in several dictatorships, so to suggest that they are just protecting citizens, These show the cute UAE censorship page for example:
The images were removed from Wikipedia presumably due to fair use concerns, so Ciro asked how to check that at: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/137977/how-to-check-why-a-fair-use-image-was-removed-from-wikipedia After understanding the case, Ciro reuploaded the images, hopefully for good.