5.12.1. Has Ciro Santilli you ever lived in China? (三西猴住过中国吗?)
Not as of 2019, he has only visited once in 2012, and it was amazingly beautiful.
Figure 56. Ciro Santilli with a stone carved Budai (布袋和尚) in the Feilai Feng caves (飞来峰) near the Lingyin Temple (灵隐寺) in Hangzhou taken during his legendary 2012 touristic trip to China. Will he ever be able to go to China again to re-experience such marvelous locations? If the CCP falls before he dies, and if the statue hasn’t been destroyed by the commies, Ciro will return to that exact spot and take a second picture. How will he look like?
But he doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to do that now, in case his Visa got accepted, because he is not interested in learning about the Chinese jail system! :-)
He knows that if you don’t mind contributing to making WW3 deadlier and shut up and obey the CCP, China is already a fine place to live as much as any other developing country.
Not as of 2019, he has only visited once in 2012, and it was amazingly beautiful.

Figure 56. Ciro Santilli with a stone carved Budai (布袋和尚) in the Feilai Feng caves (飞来峰) near the Lingyin Temple (灵隐寺) in Hangzhou taken during his legendary 2012 touristic trip to China. Will he ever be able to go to China again to re-experience such marvelous locations? If the CCP falls before he dies, and if the statue hasn’t been destroyed by the commies, Ciro will return to that exact spot and take a second picture. How will he look like?
But he doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to do that now, in case his Visa got accepted, because he is not interested in learning about the Chinese jail system! :-)
He knows that if you don’t mind contributing to making WW3 deadlier and shut up and obey the CCP, China is already a fine place to live as much as any other developing country.