Ciro Santilli $£ Sponsor €¥ 中国独裁统治 China Dictatorship 新疆改造中心、六四事件、法轮功、郝海东、709大抓捕、2015巴拿马文件 邓家贵、低端人口、西藏骚乱
This example is the same as nodejs/sequelize/raw/parallel_select_and_update.js, but going through Sequelize rather than with Sequelize raw queries. NONE is not supported for now to not have a transaction at all because lazy.
The examples illustrates:
Sample invocation:
node --unhandled-rejections=strict ./parallel_select_and_update.js p 10 100 READ_COMMITTED UPDATE
Other examples:
  • node --unhandled-rejections=strict ./parallel_select_and_update.js p 10 100 READ_COMMITTED UPDATE
Then, the outcome is exactly as described at: nodejs/sequelize/raw/parallel_select_and_update.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node


const assert = require('assert');
const common = require('./common');
const sequelize = require('sequelize');
const { Transaction, Sequelize } = sequelize;

async function transactionWithRetry(sequelize, transactionArgs, cb) {
  let done = false
  while (!done) {
    try {
      await sequelize.transaction(transactionArgs, cb)
      done = true
    } catch (e) {
      if (
        sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres' &&
        e instanceof Sequelize.DatabaseError &&
        // This can happen randomly, and we have to re-run the transaction:
        // - could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions
        // - could not serialize access due to concurrent update
        e.original.code === '40001'
      ) {
        await sequelize.query(`ROLLBACK`)
        // COMMIT would also work here in PostgreSQL it seems, when it enters error state it ignores
        // everything until the transaction finishes, and the COMMIT then becomes as ROLLBACK:
        // but can't find any clear docs on it, this one:
        // points to some possible docs, but not very direct.
        // await sequelize.query(`COMMIT`)
      } else {
        // Error that we don't know how to handle.
        throw e;

async function inc(sequelize, n, isolation, lock) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    const transactionArgs = {}
    if (isolation !== 'NONE') {
      transactionArgs.isolationLevel = Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS[isolation]
    await transactionWithRetry(sequelize, transactionArgs, async transaction => {
      const findArgs = { transaction }
      if (lock !== undefined) {
        findArgs.lock = t.LOCK[lock]
      const rows = await sequelize.models.MyInt.findAll(findArgs)
      const newI = rows[0].i + 1
      await sequelize.models.MyInt.update({ i: newI }, { where: {}, transaction })

// CLI arguments.
let nthreads;
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
  nthreads = parseInt(process.argv[3], 10)
} else {
  nthreads = 2;
let n;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
  n = parseInt(process.argv[4], 10)
} else {
  n = 10;
let isolation = process.argv[5]
if (isolation === undefined) {
  isolation = 'SERIALIZABLE'
const lock = process.argv[6]

const sequelizes = common.sequelizes(nthreads, __filename, process.argv[2])
;(async () => {

for (let a_sequelize of sequelizes) {
  const MyInt = a_sequelize.define('MyInt', {
    i: { type: sequelize.DataTypes.INTEGER, },
await sequelizes[0].models.MyInt.sync({force: true})
await sequelizes[0].models.MyInt.create({ i: 0 });
const arr = []
for (let i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
  arr.push(inc(sequelizes[i], n, isolation, lock))
await Promise.all(arr)
const rows = await sequelizes[0].models.MyInt.findAll()
assert.strictEqual(rows[0].i, nthreads * n)
})().finally(() => {
  return Promise.all( => s.close()))


  1. Sequelize parallel example
  2. Sequelize example
  3. Sequelize
  4. Node.js ORM library
  5. Node.js library
  6. Node.js
  7. JavaScript
  8. List of programming languages
  9. Programming language
  10. Software
  11. Computer
  12. Information technology
  13. Area of technology
  14. Technology
  15. Ciro Santilli's Homepage