#keyboardHandler #vim
#theme == twilight

#Print margin

Vertical marker line to help limit the characters per line.

Has that name because when printing you have a very rigid margin limitation: the paper!

hide #gutter

Hides the gutter, the div on the left which contains line numbers and other things like folds.

#useWrapMode very very very very very very very very very very very very long line
#mode #language == markdown **Bold** and *italic*. - li - li
#marked preview **Bold** and *italic*. - li - li


function f(a) { return a + 1; } Normal. **Bf**. - li - li


#maxLines #autosize editor height

If set automatically increase and decrease height as text is edited, and maxes out at the given number of lines, much like the Autosize jQuery plugin.

Infinity can also be used, but may lead to poor performance if the loaded document is large.

maxLines: 5 2 3


TODO get working.

right wrongg
right `wrongg`